Discussion definition

Discussion means an exchange of information to promote understanding of a City’s agency's requirements and offeror's proposal and to facilitate arriving at a contract that will be the best value to the City. Discussions are not permissible in competitive sealed bidding, except to the extent permissible in the first phase of multi-step sealed bidding to determine the acceptability of technical offers. [HAR 3-122-1]
Discussion means to examine by argument and debate.
Discussion means “negotiation” as defined in R2-7-101(34).

Examples of Discussion in a sentence

  • At any step following the Informal Discussion in the grievance process, the Association and Management may mutually request mediation, by letter to the department’s personnel officer and the Association.

  • At any step following the Informal Discussion in the grievance process, the Union and Management may mutually agree to participate in mediation, jointly submitting a written communication to the Employee Relations Board requesting that it appoint a mediator.

More Definitions of Discussion

Discussion. If your project was successful, describe the significance of the results. If your project did not work, describe what your think went wrong, and what your expectations were. Regardless of outcome, describe what you would try next if you were to continue the project.
Discussion means a conversation between or among board or commission members regardless of whether through oral, written, electronic, or any other form of communication.
Discussion means an exchange of information to promote understanding of a state agency’s requirements and offeror’s proposal and to facilitate arriving at a contract that will be the best value to the State.
Discussion in this context means disclosure about the nature (long or short, hard or easy, etc.), form (essay, multiple choice, etc.), or content (specific questions, general ideas, etc.) of the exam. It also would be dishonest for a student who has taken the exam to advise another student how to study for the exam.
Discussion. ’ means any oral or written communication between the Government and an offeror (other than commu- nications conducted for the purpose of minor clarification), whether or not initiated by the Government, that (a) involves information essential for determining the acceptability of a proposal, or (b) provides the offeror an opportunity to revise or modify its proposal.
Discussion means an oral or written exchange of infor- mation or any form of negotiation.
Discussion means examination by argument and debate