COMMON GOALS Sample Clauses
COMMON GOALS. The Employer and the Union recognize the importance of settling disagreements and disputes promptly, fairly, and in an orderly manner that will maintain the self respect of the employee and be consistent with the principles of good management. To accomplish this, every effort will be made to settle grievances expeditiously and at the lowest level of supervision. The Parties encourage development of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a cost effective and timely method of solving grievances. The parties will negotiate ADR procedures locally.
COMMON GOALS. The Parties have a shared vision to promote the establishment of a well-developed infrastructure for electric vehicles in Copenhagen as per January 1st, 2012. To make this happen the Parties agree to: • work together in a structured process in an attempt to solve issues which prevent such infrastructure from being designed, installed and put into operation • have an ongoing dialogue in order to be pro-active and prepared to accommodate electric vehicles in Copenhagen
COMMON GOALS. 1.01 a) The Board and Teachers agree that this Collective Agreement shall be applied in a manner which fully supports the basic equality of all staff.
COMMON GOALS. A. The USCG and the NOAA/NWS have as a common mission, the protection of life and property for mariners on the Great Lakes, the coastal waters of the U.S. and its territories, and various oceanic areas as determined by U.S. participation in WMO and IMO. In this regard, the agencies complement each other with NOAA/NWS issuing forecasts and warnings and USCG disseminating safety information including weather information. It is the common goal of our agencies to accomplish these missions effectively and efficiently.
B. In the course of fulfilling their assigned missions, USCG personnel must routinely deal with adverse weather conditions. It is the common goal of our agencies to ensure USCG field personnel and the civil maritime community have sufficient and timely weather information necessary for the safe and successful accomplishment of these missions.
C. The probability of accurate weather forecasts is enhanced by timely, consistent, and accurate observations. The vast size of the water areas, the lack of natural observational platforms, and the difficulty and cost of maintaining manmade platforms in often harsh environments inhibit such observations in maritime areas. It is the common goal of our agencies to improve the accuracy and timeliness of marine forecasts and warnings through accurate and timely weather observations. It is also a common goal of our agencies to have manually collected and disseminated observations be eventually replaced by automated systems at all USCG land and ship facilities.
COMMON GOALS. It is the intent of the Agency and Union to have open discussions about disagreements in the workplace, to treat such matters seriously, and to cooperate in the spirit of mutual problem-solving to resolve disputes. Since grievances often arise from misunderstandings that can be settled promptly and satisfactorily on an informal basis, the Agency and Union will encourage potential grievants to discuss their complaints with the responsible management or Union officials at the lowest level before filing a written grievance. The Union, if requested by the employee, has the right to participate either personally or telephonically in such discussions with management officials. However, informal efforts may not lead to resolution. The Agency shall not construe the filing of grievances as reflecting unfavorably on an employee’s good standing, performance, loyalty, or desirability to the organization, nor shall the Union or employees file grievances in order to affect adversely the perception of the person or reputation of any representative of the Agency.
COMMON GOALS. The Union recognizes the responsibility imposed on it as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employment of the City. The Union therefore agrees that it will cooperate with the City and support its efforts to assure a full day’s work on the part of its members and that it will combat “absenteeism”. It further agrees that it will support the City in its efforts to eliminate waste and conserve materials and supplies.
COMMON GOALS. To achieve the common goal of maintaining and improving the quality of life for Team Members and their families through Android growth, the Parties are committed to;
1. Maintaining a prosperous business operation necessary to maintain fair wages and benefits that will assure a satisfactory standard of living and to provide secure jobs with the opportunity for advancement;
2. Providing workers a voice in their own destiny in decisions that affect their lives before such decisions are made;
3. Ensure the plant is operated under methods that promote, to the fullest extent possible, economy of operation, quality and quantity of output, cleanliness of the plant, and protection of property;
4. Working together as a team;
5. Providing world’s highest quality service at lowest possible cost to the customer;
6. Promoting full communication over established policies and procedures;
7. Cooperating, acting within established standards of conduct and promoting fair and equitable treatment;
8. Maintaining a safe work place and using new and innovative programs that could become a model for use throughout the entire industry;
9. Resolving Team Member concerns through procedures using problem solving and non-adversarial techniques based on consensus instead of confrontation;
10. Recognizing the full worth and dignity of all Team Members, both bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit, and treating each other with respect;
11. Constantly seeking improvement in quality, efficiency and work environment through continuous improvement and through the elimination of waste;
12. Working jointly in the Continuous Improvement process;
13. Recognizing and respecting each other's rights, and performing all responsibilities with sincerity; The Union accepts the responsibility to promote the common objectives and to cooperate with Android in administering, on a fair and equitable basis, standards of conduct; attendance plans and problem resolution; to promote improvements in quality and productivity; and to cooperate with Android in dealing with governmental entities.
COMMON GOALS. Both the MO and the Local Union strongly endorse the concept that individual grievances should be resolved fairly and at the earliest possible step in the grievance procedure. In order to achieve this end, the following procedure is established as the sole procedure available for the processing of matters covered by this grievance procedure for Employees, the MO and the Local Union.
COMMON GOALS. 1:01 a) The Board and Teachers agree that this Collecti ve Agreement shall be applied in a manner which fully supports the basic equality of all staff.
COMMON GOALS. Within the framework of the contract, the parties to the contract strive for the following cynological goals:
1. The World Association observes and implements the worldwide FCI Standards of its breeds, as determined by the country of origin.
2. Worldwide establishment of the temperament (disposition) and performance abilities as required in the breed standards.
3. Worldwide preservation of the working ability.
4. Worldwide implementation of criteria for breed-specific good health.
5. Co-operation in fundamental cynological issues, especially those of national or international political significance.
6. Drafting the preceding goals in a breed-specific addendum if a detailed regulation is needed.