Examples of Structural Improvements in a sentence
These sets of actions are: Program Support, Flow Actions, Channel and Structural Improvements, Fish Reintroduction, and Water Management.
This work is identified in Section III-14 of the Design Manual and in the Manual 90-1 for Minor Rehabilitation, Structural Improvements, and Major Rehabilitation projects.
Law: Act on Structural Improvements and Support for Domestic Fisheries (Article 13 and 14).
There are four areas: Revenues at Risk, Non-Recurring Cost Reductions, Anticipated Future Appropriation Increases, and Counterbalancing Structural Improvements.
Preservation / Structural Improvements is a Preservation capital expenditure and involves the improving of an existing road or street by correcting the grades, rebuilding existing grade separations, drainage structures, width, alignment, resurfacing, and the hard surfacing of limerock roads.