Substantial Financial Risk definition
Examples of Substantial Financial Risk in a sentence
As required by Exhibit H of the OHP Contract, if Subcontractor participates in a Practitioner Incentive Plan under the Agreement that places Subcontractor at Substantial Financial Risk, Subcontractor shall maintain PIP Stop-Loss Protection.
Provider or provider groups are subject to requirements outlined in the Final Rule if determined to be at Substantial Financial Risk (SFR).
Provider must disclose annually to Health Plan and Subcontractor any PIP or risk arrangements Provider may have with physicians either within its group practice or other physicians not associated with the group practice even if there is no Substantial Financial Risk between Health Plan or Subcontractor and the physician or physician group.
For any subcontractor at financial risk, as defined in the Substantial Financial Risk provision, or of the Risk provision found in the Definitions Section of this Contract, the Contractor shall establish, enforce and monitor solvency requirements that provide assurance of the subcontractor's ability to meet its obligations.
PH-MCOs that have PIPs placing a physician or physician group at Substantial Financial Risk for the cost of services the physician or physician group does not furnish must assure that the physician or physician group has adequate Stop-Loss Protection.
For any Subcontractor at financial risk, as defined in the Substantial Financial Risk provision, or of the Risk provision found in the Definitions Section of this Contract, the Contractor shall establish, enforce and monitor solvency requirements that provide assurance of the Subcontractor's ability to meet its obligations.
If CCO Provider participates in a Practitioner Incentive Plan under the Agreement that places CCO Provider at Substantial Financial Risk, CCO Provider shall submit stop-loss documentation to WVCH in accordance with WVCH’s policies and procedures.
Substantial Financial Risk – An incentive arrangement based on referral services that place the physician or physician group at risk for amounts beyond the risk threshold.
An arrangement is at Substantial Financial Risk when the incentive arrangements place the physician or physician group at risk for services beyond those provided directly by the physician or physician group for amounts beyond the risk threshold of 25 percent of potential payments for covered services.
For any subcontractor at financial risk, as described in Section 8.8.3. Substantial Financial Risk, or Section 1.17.