Surplus water definition
Surplus water means storm water, surface water or underground water which accumulates or may accumulate to the detriment or disadvantage of any person;
Surplus water means any water of a stream that is not being beneficially used, as determined by the department.
Surplus water means water that may be impounded without decreasing the flow of a river or stream below its optimum flow.
Examples of Surplus water in a sentence
Surplus water shall be removed by mopping before the topping is laid.
Surplus water will only be delivered to entities with contracts for surplus water.
Surplus water shall not be allowed to stand on the partially compacted pavement.
Surplus water purchases will be in accordance with the Surplus Water Agreement executed by the Agency and Applicant.
Surplus water is either water stored in a Department of the Army reservoir that is not required because the authorized use for the water never developed or the need was reduced by changes that occurred since authorization or construction, or water that would be more beneficially used as municipal and industrial water than for the authorized purposes over some specific time period.
More Definitions of Surplus water
Surplus water means for the purposes of this Ordinance, water in excess of the current water demands within the boundaries of the District as determined by Camrosa Water District.
Surplus water means water that the City administration has determined, in its sole
Surplus water means water available for distribution or
Surplus water means water provided by means of the Retained Water Supply System that is not required in connection with the provision of Utility Services or the performance by the Concessionaire of its obligations under this Agreement.
Surplus water means water available to be taken under a Shareholder's Permit(s) which is surplus to the Shareholder's requirements.
Surplus water means water which can be furnished to contractors and noncontractors, subject to the provisions of Article 14(a) of this contract, without interfering with:
(i) The delivery of annual entitlements of all contractors as specified in Table A and the meeting of the quality criteria of Article 19 of their respective water supply contracts including any modifications of Table A pursuant to Articles 7(a), 12(d), 14(b), 18(b), or 18(c) of the water supply contracts or to any other provisions in such contracts which permit changes in the delivery of annual entitlements;
(ii) The furnishing of water required for use in construction of the System or in exchange for local water used in construction of the System;
(iii) Operational requirements regarding recreation and fish and wildlife uses;
(iv) Generation of power by the System or furnishing of project water required by power contracts;
(v) The exchange of water and the filling, retention, and release of storage in System reservoirs necessary for operational flexibility and to meet the requirements of paragraphs (i) through (iv) of this subdivision;
Surplus water means water that the Board determines from time to time in its discretion to be surplus to the needs of the District’s Customers.