Market Prices Sample Clauses
Market Prices. The Company understands that sales of Shares will be made at market prices prevailing at the time of sale in the case of transactions on the Exchanges and at prices negotiated by the Agent and related to prevailing market prices in the case of over-the-counter transactions; provided, however, that the price per share to be paid to the Company for the Shares shall be in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the Procedures.
Market Prices the prevailing market prices for logs in the domestic and export markets and sourced from Supply Region forests, including prices paid by traders for supply to the export market; and
Market Prices. The Company understands that sales of shares will be made at market prices prevailing at the time of sale in the case of transactions on the Exchanges and at prices negotiated by the Agent and related to prevailing market prices in the case of over-the-counter transactions; provided, however, that the price per share to be paid to the Company for the Shares shall be in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and, provided, further, that the Company shall not authorize the issuance and sale of, and the Agent shall not sell, any Shares at a price lower than the minimum price therefor designated from time to time by the Company's Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer or the Vice President-Finance and Treasurer and communicated to the Agent in writing.
Market Prices. 9.1. Any use of Market Prices on Platform and/or in SteelHedge Contracts is governed by this Agreement and terms and conditions of a related Data Provider (“Data Usage Terms”), which are indicated on Platform and incorporated into a related SteelHedge Contract by reference. Unless provided otherwise in your direct licensing agreement with Data Provider, you cannot use Market Prices outside Platform or distribute Market Prices or any derivative thereof in any form to any third party. Any such use or distribution constitutes a material breach of this Agreement.
9.2. To prevent unauthorized access to market pricing data distributed under Data Providers’ own terms and conditions, all Market Prices displayed on SteelHedge except Settlement Prices are altered by a random margin ranging from $0.10/MT to $0.50/MT, or other product-specific margins indicated on Platform (“Data Display Algorithm”), irrespective of a direct licensing agreement between any User and any Data Provider. We never change the editorial content of any Data Provider in any other respect. The display of Market Prices may be limited to Supplied Goods purchased or sold by User in the ordinary course of business.
9.3. Data Providers determine in their sole discretion Market Price discovery methodologies and changes, additions or deletions of any Market Prices. We shall communicate to you all such changes as early as practicable. If Data Provider discontinues reporting Market Price(s) referenced in any SteelHedge Contract before the completion of its Settlement Month, we shall assist you and your counterparty in selecting alternative Market Price(s) reported by the same or another Data Provider that offer the highest linear correlation with the discontinued Market Price(s), at no additional cost.
9.4. To improve Market Price discovery methodologies and their relevance to Users, we may share with Data Providers certain anonymous (personally unidentifiable) information in relation to SteelHedge Contracts, such as user profiles (producer, trader, etc.), referenced Market Prices, Correlation Coefficients, quantities, values and dates of such contracts. All such information shall be anonymized in compliance with data protection laws and Clause 17.
9.5. Nothing in this Agreement prevents you to receive Market Prices from any Data Provider under a direct licensing agreement.
Market Prices. During each of the previous twelve months up to the Latest Practicable Date, the highest and lowest traded prices for Shares on the Stock Exchange were as follows: Month Highest (HK$) Lowest (HK$) 2020 April 8.76 6.63 May 8.88 7.98 June 9.66 7.90 July 10.36 8.09 August 15.80 10.26 September 18.54 14.50 October 20.70 17.68 November 21.95 18.50 December 20.25 17.36 2021 January 23.80 18.68 February 25.95 19.20 March 28.90 22.40 April (up to the Latest Practicable Date) 28.60 25.10 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of Xxxxxx Development Holdings Limited (the ‘‘Company’’) will be held at Gloucester Room, 2/F, Mandarin Oriental, 0 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxx on Friday, 11 June 2021 at 10: 30 a.m. for the following purposes:
1. To receive and consider the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and the reports of the directors and auditor for the year ended 31 December 2020.
2. To declare a final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2020.
A. To re-elect Xx. Xxx Xxx Xxx as an executive director of the Company (the ‘‘Director’’).
B. To re-elect Xx. Xxx Xxxxx as an executive Director.
C. To re-elect Mr. Xxxxx Xxx as an executive Director.
D. To re-elect Xx. Xxxxx Xx Lung as an independent non-executive Director.
X. Xx authorise the board of Directors (the ‘‘Board’’) to fix the remuneration of the Directors.
4. To re-appoint auditor and to authorise the Board to fix its remuneration.
5. As special business to consider and, if thought fit, pass with or without modifications, the following resolutions as ordinary resolutions:
5.A. ‘‘THAT:
(a) subject to paragraph (c), the exercise by the Directors during the Relevant Period (as hereinafter defined) of all the powers of the Company to allot, issue and deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company or securities convertible into such shares or warrants or similar rights to subscribe for any * for identification purposes only shares in the Company and to make or grant offers, agreements and options which might require the exercise of such power be and is hereby generally and unconditionally approved;
(b) the approval in paragraph (a) shall authorise the Directors during the Relevant Period to make or grant offers, agreements and options which would or might require the exercise of such power after the end of the Relevant Period;
(c) the aggregate number of shares allotted or agreed conditionally or uncon...
Market Prices. During each of the previous twelve months up to the Latest Practicable Date, the highest and lowest traded prices for Shares on the Stock Exchange were as follows: Month Highest Per Share Lowest (HK$) (HK$) 2021 April 30.55 25.10 May 38.90 29.70 June 39.80 31.70 July 37.45 24.70 August 30.95 24.45 September 32.10 24.75 October 28.10 20.95 November 21.55 17.18 December 19.40 14.76 2022 January 17.46 11.20 February 17.78 15.32 March 16.34 11.12 April (up to the Latest Practicable Date) 17.20 14.62 (Adopted at a Special General Meeting held on 4 April 1998) (Amended at a Special General Meeting held on 4 November 2002) (Amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 24 May 2004) (Amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 6 June 2005) (Amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 15 June 2006) (Adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on 10 June 2022) INDEX
Market Prices. All of the Escrowed Securities were purchased at fair market value pursuant to a bona fide solicitation for bids in accordance with Regulations § 1.148-5(d)(6)(iii). Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a certificate of Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co., which acted as bidding agent in connection with the acquisition of the Escrowed Securities.
Market Prices. During each of the previous twelve months up to the Latest Practicable Date, the highest and lowest traded prices for Shares on the Stock Exchange were as follows: Month Highest Lowest HK$ HK$ March 5.7500 2.8400 April 7.1500 5.1100 May 11.6200 6.1100 June 14.7000 10.4400 July 14.3000 10.8600 August 13.3200 10.0000 September 15.2000 11.4600 October 15.9800 12.7000 November 14.4600 12.1200 December 13.5600 10.3200 January 12.3000 9.2000 February 11.5600 9.5700 March (up to the Latest Practicable Date) 12.9200 10.8200
Market Prices. The Company understands that sales of Shares will be made at market prices prevailing at the time of sale in the case of transactions on the Exchanges and at prices negotiated by the Agent and related to prevailing market prices in the case of over-the-counter transactions; provided, however, that the price per share to be paid to the Company for the Shares shall be in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the Procedures and, provided, further, that the Company shall not authorize the issuance and sale of, and the Agent shall not sell, any Shares at a price lower than the minimum price therefor designated from time to time by the Company’s Chief Financial Officer or Treasurer and communicated to the Agent in writing.
Market Prices. PRICE Adjustment Mechanism A market price is a price, which is fixed for a certain period of time. For Market prices, the following applies: [ 1