Sustainable technology definition
Examples of Sustainable technology in a sentence
Sustainable technology components (high performance glass, bris- soleil, canopies, pv panels would be appropriate given its southerly aspect) and would further enliven the facades.PSA 25: Fine grain urban design qualities particularly to the waterfront should include: no long inactive elevations, night time activities, human scale, creative public realm, street furniture and lighting.
One such is the Annual Al Gore Sustainable technology Venture Competition which was conducted in IIFT for 5 years.
Sustainable technology is already available in the form of renewable source generation, but development must continue in order for these sources to become competitive.
Sustainable technology transfer necessitates addressing issues such as intellectual property rights, technical know‐how of manufacturers, environmental risks, gender influence, and flexibility of equipment use and adoption rate, and quality hazards.
Sustainable technology translation seems to require broader efforts from scientists, industry and regulators to effectively initiate dialogue with key stakeholders in the early stages.
In the current scenario, VoIP is in a transition phase from a Disruptive technology to a Sustainable technology.
The professional bodies such as the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) can also be provided with Sustainable technology training to increase knowledge and skills on sustainability practices.
Where equity settled share based payment is exchanged for services provided by employees, it shall be measured at the fair value of equity instruments granted to employees.
Sustainable technology transfer capacities could ensure faster patient access to in- novative technologies and cost-effective translation, which could reduce the overall costs of new medicines.
Sustainable technology development can support Inuit communities in becoming less dependent on outside resources.