Tank means an enclosed space which is formed by the permanent structure of a ship and which is designed for the carriage of liquid in bulk.
PAD means a Preauthorized Debit.
Tanks has the meaning set forth in Section 4.12(b).
Underground storage tank system means an underground storage tank and the connected underground piping, underground ancillary equipment, and containment system, if any.
Junk yard means any property utilized for breaking up, dismantling, sorting, storing, distributing, buying or selling of any scrap waste material, junk or used equipment or machinery of any nature.
Bulk gasoline plant means a gasoline storage and distribution facility with an average daily throughput of 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of gasoline or less on a 30-day rolling average.
Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.
Gasoline tank truck means tank trucks or trailers equipped with a storage tank and used for the transport of gasoline from sources of supply to stationary storage tanks or to gasoline bulk facilities.
Dry cleaning facility means a facility engaged in the cleaning of fabrics in an essentially nonaqueous solvent by means of one or more washes in solvent, extraction of excess solvent by spinning, and drying by tumbling in an airstream. The facility includes, but is not limited to, any washer, dryer, filter, and purification systems, waste disposal systems, holding tanks, pumps, and attendant piping and valves.
Tank system means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and containment system.
Storage area means any location, facility, or vehicle which is used to store, to transport, or to secure a radiographic exposure device, a storage container, or a sealed source when it is not in use and which is locked or has a physical barrier to prevent accidental exposure, tampering with, or unauthorized removal of the device, container, or source.
Uppermost aquifer means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically interconnected with this aquifer within the facility's property boundary.
Storage tank means an aboveground storage tank or underground storage tank as defined by this Regulation.
Storage Facility means a facility used for the stocking of natural gas and owned and/or operated by a natural gas undertaking, including the part of LNG facilities used for storage but excluding the portion used for production operations, and excluding facilities reserved exclusively for transmission system operators in carrying out their functions;
Underground tank means a device meeting the definition of tank whose entire surface area is totally below the surface of and covered by the ground.
Recycled water or “reclaimed water” means treated or recycled waste water of a quality suitable for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation and water features. This water is not intended for human consumption.
Finished water means the water that is introduced into the distribution system of a public water system and is intended for distribution and consumption without further treatment, except as treatment necessary to maintain water quality in the distribution system (e.g., booster disinfection, addition of corrosion control chemicals).
Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.
Underground storage tank or “UST” means any one or combination of tanks (including underground pipes connected thereto) that is used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances, and the volume of which (including the volume of underground pipes connected thereto) is 10 percent or more beneath the surface of the ground. This term does not include any:
New tank system means a tank system that will be used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances and for which installation has commenced after January 14, 1987. (See also “Existing Tank System.”)
Engine degreaser means a cleaning product designed to remove grease, grime, oil and other contaminants from the external surfaces of engines and other mechanical parts.
Graffiti shall not include: (1) any sign or banner that is authorized by, and in compliance with, the applicable requirements of the San Francisco Public Works Code, the San Francisco Planning Code or the San Francisco Building Code; or (2) any mural or other painting or marking on the property that is protected as a work of fine art under the California Art Preservation Act (California Civil Code Sections 987 et seq.) or as a work of visual art under the Federal Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (17 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq.). Any failure of Contractor to comply with this section of this Agreement shall constitute an Event of Default of this Agreement.
Transboundary movement means any movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes from an area under the national jurisdiction of one State to or through an area under the national jurisdiction of another State or to or through an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State, provided at least two States are involved in the movement;
Incinerator means any enclosed device that:
Refinery means a facility for the manufacture or reprocessing of finished or unfinished petroleum
Pipelines has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.