Examples of Target Depth in a sentence
Geotechnical Investigations to Support Design Work Delta‐Mendota Canal Subsidence CorrectionCPT Summary4/2/2021, 3:01 PM Phase CPTNumber CPT Target Depth (ft) Approx.
Based on this process, a hydrograph that generates 0.6 inches of runoff (this is the Target Depth Factor for HSG A soils in Table 2.3.2) during the peak 12 hours of a storm.
Fishing Techniques Reported Target Depth: Ask the vessel operator how deep he wants the deepest part of the gear to fish.
Site Maps Showing Well Locations Design Plans and Other Drawings or Schematics For Remediation Projects: Project Summary including Geology, Analysis Results, Projection Description, Target Depth, and other applicable information.
A final set of logs covers the open hole remaining after the well has been drilled to T.D (Target Depth).