Examples of Target Firms in a sentence
Methods of Valuation of Target Firms, Share Exchange Rate - Minimum and Maximum, EPS V/S MPS Methods, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Merger Gains and Distribution, Methods of Analysis of Post-Merger Performance.
TWK will continue to offer to supply [confidential] of saw logs to [confidential] for a period of [confidential] from the Approval Date, subject to availability of the saw logs produced by the Target Firms.
The Effects of Merger and Acquisition Announcements on the Security Prices of Bidding Firms and Target Firms in Asia.
TWK will continue to honour the contractual terms entered into by the Target Firms with [confidential] on [confidential] in respect of the supply of Mining Timber (not sawn and untreated) for the duration of the Existing Agreement, subject to the contractual terms.
The volumes per customer of the products supplied to the existing customers of the Target Firms for the preceding year, for each of the markets identified in clauses 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 and3.6 above.
Methodology and Results In this section we present our empirical results according to the three stages of our analysis as discussed above.4.1 Stage One: Propensity Score Matching for Target Firms based on Observable Publicly available InformationIn the first stage of our analysis, we investigate whether short-term hedge funds adjust their ownership in target firms primarily based on public information regarding firm fundamentals.
Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment and the Return-to-Risk Relation of Target Firms (with April Knill and Bong-Soo Lee) Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2012 21(2), 315-340.
Acquisitions and Payoffs to CEOs of Target Firms Recent studies show that target CEOs might be willing to accept lower acquisition premiums.
The Target Firms are incorporated under the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
An Investigation of Pre- Takeover Transactions in the Shares of Target Firms, Journal of Financial Research, Vol.