Examples of Task II in a sentence
Controlling Sediment in the Black and Oatka Creek Watersheds, Task II: Identification and Analysis of the Riparian Corridor in the Black and Oatka Creek Watersheds.
In Proceedings, IEA/BA Task II Workshop: Production Technology, Economics and Nutrient Cycling.
Open a new tab in Firefox and log into the vEOC as a researcher ( Task II: Choose the exercise metrics that you wish to evaluate during the exercise.
Currently these are dealt with in the same way as all other catches: they are assigned to the areas of Figure 1.1A by uprating Task II catches (that are reported spatially) to the annual Task I catch data.
Year one included; 1) Partner development (Tasks I and II); 2) The development of the Call for Submissions (CFS) to solicit industry participation (Task III); 3) Outreach for the CFS (Task IV); 4) Report on the initial results of the CFS (Tasks V and VI); 5) Coordination with ITSA to create opportunities to showcase the pilot demonstration projects (Part II, Task I), and; 6) Ongoing coordination among the partners (Part II, Task II).
For each data series, Task I (DSet= “t1”, in tonnes) is visualised against its equivalent Task II availability (DSet= “t2”) scheme.
Task II: Again, note that you can click on a gray title bar to collapse or expand the menus.Task III: Create target capabilities.
In this area, the study should encompass the following tasks only: Task II: Review and Background Documentation Relating to Existing Conditions, Task III: Inventory of Current Parking Capacity, Task IV: Assessment of Current Parking System Utilization, Task V: Supply/Demand Analysis and Projection of Future Parking Needs, Task VI: Development of Supply Side Solutions, and Task X: Recommendations and Financial Plan for Meeting Future Parking Needs.
The catch at size distribution from 2003, 2004 (Ortiz de Zárate et al., 2005) and 2005 data set was obtain using the statistical procedures to estimate Task II (length frequency) statistics of ICCAT, as is reported on annual bases for the Spanish surface fishery (Anon.
Task II Solid Waste Management Facilities Technical SupportAs requested by Guam EPA, the Offeror during the contract period, will be expected to provide technical assistance on the services delineated below: 1.