Tax Residence definition

Tax Residence means the country in which the securities holders have the duty to pay income tax for the income received by the securities holders in such country and/or other countries as a result of having domicile or location for the management and control of juristic person where the juristic person is incorporated or other criteria
Tax Residence means the country in which the securities holders have the duty to pay income tax for the income received by the securities holders in such country and/or other countries as a result of having domicile there taking into consideration the number of days the securities holders reside in such country in each year or other criteria.
Tax Residence means, in relation to any person, the jurisdiction in which that person is principally resident for the purposes of paying Tax on its capital or income, but, in relation to the Lessor or Owner, does not include any jurisdiction in which the Lessor or Owner is resident for the purposes of paying Tax in relation to its capital or income only because:

Examples of Tax Residence in a sentence

  • Please refer to the OECD CRS Web Portal for AEOI for more information on Tax Residence.

  • Please refer to the OECD CRS Web Portal for AEOI for more information on Tax Residence and TIN’s.

  • As may be required by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities, we may also be constrained to withhold and pay out any sums from your account or close or suspend your account(s).If you are a US citizen or resident or greencard holder, please include United States in the Country of Tax Residence field along with your US Tax Identification Number.

  • Tax Residence Please provide de tails for all jurisdictions in which the Account Holder is resident for tax purposes.

  • Please indicate the Entity’s place of Tax Residence for CRS purposes, (if resident in more than one country please detail all countries of Tax Residence and associated Tax Identification Numbers).

  • The Account Holder’s Country of Tax Residence, Tax payer Identification Number (TIN), Global IntermediaryIdentification Number (GIIN), FATCA Status, CRS Status and Controlling Persons (includes Beneficial Ownership details)should be provided in this section.

  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) are defined as Individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions in a foreign country, e.g., Heads of States or of Governments, senior politicians, senior government/judicial/military officers, senior executives of state-owned corporations, important political party officials, etc.2. Country of Tax Residence and Tax ID number: Tax Regulations require us to collect information about each investor’s tax residency.

  • The account holder is the person listed or identified as applicant in Sections 2, 3 and 4 (Account Holder).The Account Holder’s Country of Tax Residence, Tax payer Identification Number (TIN) or Tax File Number (TFN), Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN), FATCA Status, CRS Status and Controlling Persons (includes Beneficial Ownership details) should be provided in this section.

  • Date of Birth Income Tax Permanent Account No Ward/Circle/Special range and place where assessed to Income Tax Residence Address Tel.

  • The Bidder should provide the latest declaration of Permanent Establishment in India at time of service invoice, PAN India, Tax Residence Certificate from respective country of Government for the purpose of Form 15CB from tax consultant.

More Definitions of Tax Residence

Tax Residence means the country in which the securities holders have the duty to pay income tax for the income received by the securities holders in such country and/or other countries as a result of having domicile or location for the management and control of juristic person where the juristic person is incorporated or other criteria ประเทศถ่ินท่ีอยู่ทำงภำษี Country of Tax Residence หำกผถู้ ือหลกั ทรพั ยไ์ ม่มีเลขประจำตวผเสียภำษี (TIN) กรุณำระบุเหตุผลดงั ต่อไปนี้If a TIN is unavailable, indicate which of the following reason is applicable :เหตุผล (A) – ประเทศที่ผ้ถู ือหลกั ทรพั ยม์ ีถิ่นท่ีอยู่ทำงภำษี ไม่ได้ออกเลขประจำ˚ ตวั ผ้เู สียภำษีให้กบั ผ้อู ำศยั อยู่ในประเทศนัน้Reason (A) – The jurisdiction where the securities holder is a tax resident does not issue TINs to its residents.เหตุผล (B) – ผ้ถู ือหลกั ทรพั ยไ์ ม่สำมำรถขอเลขประจำ˚ ตวั ผเู้ สียภำษีที่ออกโดยประเทศนัน้ ได้Reason (B) – The securities holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN.เหตุผล (C) – ไม่จำ˚ เป็ นต้องให้หรือเปิ ดเผยเลขประจำ˚ ตวั ผ้เู สียภำษี (หมำยเหตุ : โปรดเลือกเหตุผลนี้เฉพำะในกรณีที่กฎหมำยภำยในประเทศนัน ไม่ได้บงั คบจดเกบเลขประจำตวผเสียภำษี)Reason (C) – TIN is not required. (Remark : Please select this reason only if the domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction does not require the collection of TIN issued by such jurisdiction.)หมายเหตุ : หากผถู้ อหลกทรพยเ์ ป็นผมู้ ถี น่ ทอ่ ยทู ตี่ องชา˚ ระภาษมากกวา่ สปี่ ระเทศ โปรดระบุในเอกสารแยกต่างหากRemark : If the securities holder is a tax resident in more than four countries, please use a separate sheet.Highly Confidential ส่วนท่ี 4ข้อมลู ถ่ินท่ีอย่ทู ำงภำษีและเลขประจำ˚ ตวผเู้ สียภำษีของผมู้ ีอำ˚ นำจควบคมุTax Residency and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of Controlling Person(s)โปรดตอบคำ˚ ถำมในส่วนนี้ หำกท่ำนเป็ น Passive NFE ตำมข้อ 4.1 หรือ 4.2Please answer in this part, if you are Passive NFE in 4.1 or 4.24.1 จำ˚ นวนบคคลผม้ีอำ˚ นำจควบคมของนิ ติบคคล (Number of controlling person(s) of the securities holder) คน (person(s))
Tax Residence means, in relation to any person, the jurisdiction in which that person is principally resident for the purposes of paying Tax in relation to its capital or income, but, in relation to each Owner, does not include any jurisdiction in which that Owner is resident for the purposes of paying Tax in relation to its capital or income only because: (i) that Owner has entered into the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; or (ii) the Charterer has been grossly negligent or has wilfully defaulted in its obligations under this Agreement; “Termination Date” means the date on which the leasing of the Vessel is to terminate or, as the context may require, terminates in accordance with this Agreement; “this Agreement”, “herein”, “hereunder”, “hereof” or other like words refer to this Agreement (including the Schedules hereto) in its entirety and as it may from time to time be supplemented or amended pursuant to the applicable provisions hereof; “Tokumei Kumiai Agreement” means each agreement (as referred to in clauses 535 to 542 of the Commercial Code of Japan) entered into or to be entered into between an Owner, in its capacity as proprietor and manager of the investment made by a Kumiai-in, and a Kumiai-in (including, without limitation, all letter or other agreements entered into between such Owner and a Kumiai-in in relation to each such agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Operative Documents) in connection with the purchase, ownership and chartering of the Vessel by the Owners pursuant to this Agreement and the other Operative Documents; “Total Loss” means in relation to the Vessel: (i) an actual, constructive, compromised, agreed or arranged total loss of the Vessel; or (ii) any Compulsory Acquisition with respect to the Vessel; or (iii) any capture, seizure, arrest, detention, hijacking, theft, condemnation as prize, forfeiture of the Vessel, requisition for hire of the Vessel by any government or by persons acting or purporting to act on behalf of any government or any other person (not falling within paragraph (ii) above) or any disappearance of the Vessel, unless the Vessel is released and returned to the Owners’ and Xxxxxxxxx’s full control within the shorter of (a) the period ending one hundred and eighty (180) days after the capture, seizure, arrest, detention, hijacking, theft, condemnation as prize, disappearance, forfeiture or requisition for hire in question or (b) the remaining Charter Period;

Related to Tax Residence

  • Tax roll means a permanent record of the taxes charged on property, as extended

  • Residence means a person's principal place of abode within Utah.

  • Non-Resident means in the case of an individual, one who maintains a place of abode outside Hong Kong; and in the case of a corporation, one which is not incorporated in Hong Kong.

  • Principal residence means a homestead actually and

  • Assisted living residence means a facility licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services to provide apartment-style housing and congregate dining and to assure that assisted living services are available when needed for four or more adult persons unrelated to the proprietor and that offers units containing, at a minimum, one unfurnished room, a private bathroom, a kitchenette and a lockable door on the unit entrance.

  • Resident means a student whose parents, legal guardians, persons having lawful control of the student, or persons standing in loco parentis reside in the school district.

  • Tax Representative has the meaning set forth in Section 9.3(a).

  • Place of Residence means the Artist's home or usual place of residence as shown on the face of the Artist's contract.

  • Non-residential means lands, Buildings or portions thereof used, or designed or intended for other than Residential use, including the non- residential portion of a Live-Work Unit;

  • Residential real estate means any real property located in this state, upon which is constructed or intended to be constructed a dwelling;

  • Household income means the combined income of the members

  • Tax means any tax, levy, impost, duty or other charge or withholding of a similar nature (including any penalty or interest payable in connection with any failure to pay or any delay in paying any of the same).