Examples of Tendered Rates in a sentence
Under No Circumstances will there be any Implied Guarantee of Work / Engagement following the acceptance of the Tendered Rates and / or as a result of previous tenure as an External Plant Hire Contractor.
Tendered Rates must include all overheads, materials, labour, mark-up, wastage, safety requirements, tools & equipment, overtime costs and any other cost the contractor might have to complete the work to an acceptable and workmanlike standard.
Payment at the Tendered Rates may also be subjected to a Project Fee Cap and, if so, Project Fees shall not exceed that Project Fee Cap.
For a commutative•k—1differential graded algebra we again take the total complex with respect to both differentials.
A.4 Price Adjustment of Tendered Rates The tendered rates shall be adjusted for escalation as follows: The tendered rates shall not be subject to any escalation prior to 1 July 2024.