Terrorist Activities definition

Terrorist Activities means any of the offences specified in POCDATARA, all of which relate to terrorism;
Terrorist Activities means activities that involve:
Terrorist Activities means an act or thing by any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with or in connivance with or at the instance or instigation of any person or group(s) or organization(s) or association(s), who are committed or proclaimed to be committed for political, religious or ideological purposes, whether such person or group(s) of persons or organization(s) or association(s) are or are not banned by any law, in such a manner or with intent to threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of India or to strike terror in the people or any section of the people by using bombs, dynamite or other explosive substances or inflammable substances or fire arms or other lethal weapons or by any other means whatsoever, with intend to cause, or likely to cause, death of, or injuries to any person or persons or loss of, or damage to, or destruction of, property or disruption of any supplies or services essential to the life of the community or causes damage or destruction of any property or equipment used or intended to be used for the defense of India or in connection with any other purposes of the Government of India, any State Government or any of their agencies, or detains any person and threatens to kill or injure such person in order to compel the Government or any other person to do or abstain from doing any act. Provided further that for the above acts appropriate criminal prosecution has been initiated by police and charge sheet has been filed in competent court of criminal jurisdiction, either under special law or under general law .

Examples of Terrorist Activities in a sentence

  • Financing of Terrorist Activities Article 109 (1) Whoever provides or collects money or property in order to partly or wholly finance the committing of offences under Article 108 of this Penal Code shall be sentenced to imprisonment between one and ten years.

  • Incitement and Public Glorification of Terrorist Activities Article 110 (1) Whoever incites commitment of criminal offences under Article 108 of this Penal Code and therefore propagates messages or makes them available to other persons in some other manner with the intention to promote terrorist criminal offences and thus causes danger that one or more such criminal offences would be committed, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between one and ten years.

  • Conscripting and Training for Terrorist Activities Article 111 (1) Whoever conscripts for terrorist activities by encouraging another person to commit criminal offences under Article 108 of this Penal code, or participate in the order of such terrorist act, or joining a terrorist organisation or group to commit terrorist acts, which this criminal organisation or group commits, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between one and ten years.

  • On 6 December 2006 the government announced the introduction of revised though emergency regulations [the Emergency (Prevention and Prohibition of Terrorism and Specified Terrorist Activities) Regulations, No. 7 of 2006] giving the security forces ‘wide-ranging powers to search, arrest and question’.

  • Prohibition on contractor Involvement with Terrorist Activities: The Contractor acknowledges that U.S. Executive Orders and Laws, including but not limited to Executive Order 13224 and Public Law 107-56, prohibit transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism.

  • H.14 Prohibition on Contractor Involvement with Terrorist Activities The Contractor acknowledges that U.S. Executive Orders and Laws, including but not limited to Executive Order 13224 and Public Law 107-56, prohibit transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism.

  • Large-Scale Victimisation as a Potential Source of Terrorist Activities.

  • Initial information was obtained by the national FIU in 2012 from a commercial bank, which, on the basis of their monetary transaction monitoring system and risk classification for indi- vidual clients, in accordance with the obligations placed on banks under the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities of BiH, reported money transactions in the de- fendants’ bank accounts, after which SIPA, as national FIU initiated investigative activities in this case.

  • Repeal sections of the Emergency (Miscellaneous Provisions and Powers) Regulations No. 1 of 2005 and the Emergency (Prevention and Prohibition of Specified Terrorist Activities) Regulations No. 7 of 2006 (and all previous emergency regulations that may remain in force at present) that authorise detention without charge outside areas of ongoing military hostilities, that derogate from the crimi- nal procedure code and that criminalise conduct involving the exercise of free speech and associa- tional rights.

  • Rohter, New York Times.TBA-Linked Islamic Terrorist Activities Elsewhere in the Southern Cone The TBA’s Islamic extremist and organized crime networks cannot be examined in isolation because they are linked to wider networks in the Latin American region and the world in general.

More Definitions of Terrorist Activities

Terrorist Activities means violent acts meant to create fear and that target civilians.

Related to Terrorist Activities

  • High Risk Activities means activities where the use or failure of the Services would reasonably be expected to result in death, serious personal injury, or severe environmental or property damage (such as the creation or operation of weaponry).

  • Activities has the meaning specified in Section 7.02(b).

  • terrorist means any natural person who:

  • Terrorist Act means any actual or threatened use of force or violence directed at or causing damage, injury, harm or disruption, or commission of an act dangerous to human life or property, against any individual, property or government, with the stated or unstated objective of pursuing economic, ethnic, nationalistic, political, racial or religious interests, whether such interests are declared or not. Criminal acts, primarily committed for personal gain and acts arising primarily from prior personal relationships between perpetrator(s) and victim(s) shall not be considered terrorist acts. Terrorist act also includes any act, which is verified or recognised by the (relevant) Government as an act of terrorism.

  • School activities means any activity sponsored by the school including, but not limited to, classroom work, library activities, physical education classes, official assemblies and other similar gatherings, school athletic contests, band concerts, school plays and other theatrical productions, and in-school lunch periods.

  • Extracurricular activity means any optional, noncredit, educational or

  • Intrascholastic Activities means athletic or non-athletic/academic activities where students compete with students from within the same school.

  • terrorist financing means the act of, directly or indirectly, providing or collecting funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out terrorist acts.4

  • Interscholastic Activities means athletic or non-athletic/academic activities where students compete on a school vs. school basis.

  • Principal activities means activities authorized by the license which are essential to achieving the purpose(s) for which the license was issued or amended. Storage during which no licensed material is accessed for use or disposal and activities incidental to decontamination or decommissioning are not principal activities.