Examples of The FA Rules in a sentence
Compliance and updates on current legislation and any changes in English Football League or The FA Rules or statutory agency legislative changes which will impact on the Club.
The FA Rules deal with the poaching and/or inducement of players.
The successful bidder may be required to submit an undertaking or enter in to an agreement in the format specified by BBNL at the time of acceptance of APO.
We have presented a suite of N -body simulations show- ing the effect of massive neutrinos in the range Ων =0.001 − 0.04 (Σmν = 0.05 − 1.9 eV) on the distribution of matter.
Remember that as a parent/carer Of a child at the club they are respOnsible fOr and need tO abide by the club pOlicy, The FOOtball League POlicy Guidance and The FA Rules and RegulatiOns regarding cOmments that are placed Online abOut the club Or club Officials, The FOOtball League, players, managers, match Officials, OppOsing teams players Or family members Of any Of thOse grOups listed.