Third-party payer definition
Third-party payer means an entity that is, by
Third-party payer means an organization other than the patient (1st party) or the health care provider (2nd party) involved in the financing of personal health services.
Third-party payer means a public or private health care payment or benefits program including, but not limited to, all of the following:
More Definitions of Third-party payer
Third-party payer means an employer, government program or other entity that pays a student’s charges when no separate agreement for the repayment of the charges exists between the third-party payer and the student.
Third-party payer means a state agency that pays for health care services, or an Insurer, carrier, including a carrier that provides only administrative services for plan sponsors, nonprofit hospital, medical services organization, or managed care organization licensed in California.
Third-party payer means a health insuring corporation licensed under Chapter 1751. of the Revised Code, a health maintenance organization as defined in division (K) of this section, an insurance company that issues sickness and accident insurance in conformity with Chapter 3923. of the Revised Code, a state-financed health insurance program under Chapter 3701., 4123., or 5111. of the Revised Code, or any self-insurance plan.
Third-party payer means any private or public entity or program that may be liable by law or contract to make payment to or on behalf of an individual for health care services. Third-party payer does not include a hospital.
Third-party payer means an entity that reimburses and manages health care expenses, this includes insurance companies, governmental agencies, and employers and their employees.
Third-party payer means any entity that pays for
Third-party payer means an insurance company or other entity making payment directly to the Dietician on behalf of EGID.