Examples of Tolling body in a sentence
All such rates and classifications shall be set forth in a Toll Rate Schedule issued by the Tolling Body and provided by the Joint Board and any changes to the Toll Rate Schedule shall be evidenced by notice in writing issued by the Joint Board to TSP.
The Tolling Body shall survive the execution and delivery of this Toll Policy Agreement and shall continue to serve as a joint board under the Interlocal and the statutes referenced therein and herein, responsible for amendments or addenda to this Agreement.
Any Tolling Body member may, within 30 days of receipt of the proposed change, notify the Toll Representatives of INDOT and KYTC and the other Members of the Tolling Body that they take an exception to such a change to the Business Rules.
If an exception is taken, the change shall not take effect until such time as the Tolling Body passes a resolution approving the change.
The Tolling Body has adopted the EJ Mitigation Plan, which is attached hereto as Attachment A and is incorporated herein by reference.
The Joint Board and the Tolling Body each shall be governed by its own By-laws that it will adopt and which may be amended from time to time.
The Tolling Body shall meet as soon as is reasonably possible following an exception being taken to a proposed change to the Business Rules.
To that end, the Tolling Body shall periodically review the effects to these populations no less frequently than biennially.
The Tolling Body shall be responsible for coordinating the monitoring of the impact of EJ Populations as required in the EJ Mitigation Plan and the RROD.
To provide this needed flexibility, the Parties agree the Toll Representatives of INDOT and KYTC may, by mutual consent, propose changes to the Business Rules to the Tolling Body, provided those Business Rules are consistent with both states’ laws, specifically the administrative rules and regulations related to tolling.