Examples of Total Collateral Value in a sentence
The Reserve Collateral Value was added to the Debtors’ estimated Other Collateral Asset Value, consisting of accounts receivable, joint interest billing, and encumbered cash,228 to arrive at the estimated Total Collateral Value as of (i) the Petition Date and (ii) the Forecasted Effective Date.
Overseas Properties and Properties outside England and Wales Under the Common Terms Agreement, the Landsec Group has the ability to invest in properties outside the UK and create security over them, although this is limited to 5% of the Total Collateral Value.
The Landsec Group can also invest in properties outside England and Wales in the UK, the limit being 40% of the Total Collateral Value.
Subtracting the Total Collateral Value as of the Forecasted Effective Date from the Total Collateral Value as of the Petition Date, Mr. Mitchell arrived at his estimated total Collateral Diminution of $417.5 million.229 Mr. Mitchell subsequently re-ran his analysis with May 20, 2016 and June 10, 2016 strip pricing assumptions, which altered only the Reserve Collateral Value as of the Forecasted Effective Date.
The Landsec Group can also investin properties outside England and Wales in the UK, the limit being 40% of the Total Collateral Value.