Examples of Total profits in a sentence
Total profits of G′ are Π(G′) = (n1 + n2)λPF(G′) − 2(m1 + m2)c≥ n1λPF(G1) + n2λPF(G2) − 2(m1 + m2)c= Π(G1) + Π(G2).
Total profits are reported both using a) current cost and BEA- determined depreciation and b) tax-based historical-cost depreciation (referred to as capital consumption allowances or CCA).
Total profits for the insurer are given byΠ = Σ Σ Σ Π(h, w, a)µ(h, w, a).
Total profits reached 31.8 million litas in the meat processing sector in 1994, but in 1995 and 1996, enterprises in this sector had losses of 12.1 million litas and 10.2 million litas respectively.
Total profits for the providers are profits from content access or advertising at the agreed quality levels plus or minus the agreed monetary transfer: Πi = Π(αi, αj; Ti) ≡ π(αi, αj) + Ti, Πc(αi, αj; Ti, Tj) ≡ πc(αi, αj) − Ti − Tj If there is no agreement Ti = 0 and the quality αi is set unilaterally by the access provider.The outcome of the negotiation process between the content provider and access providers is taken to be the Nash equilibrium of simultaneous generalized Nash bargain- ing problems.