Tract 5 definition

Tract 5. All of a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section 13, Township 27, Range 22 bounded and described as follows: From the Northeast Corner of said subdivision South 493 feet and West 193 feet for a point of beginning; thence West 82 feet, thence South 123 feet, thence East 82 feet, thence North 123 feet to the point of beginning, Christian County, Missouri.
Tract 5. All of that certain tract of land out of the X. X. Xxxxxx Survey, Xxxxxxxxxx County, Texas, being approximately 200’ from the current right-of- way line of SH 29 abutting the property described in the Xxxxxxxxxx County Appraisal District as R403274 and being generally depicted on Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and Prior to the execution of a Special Warranty Deed document by Seller, Purchaser shall create a metes and bounds survey of the exact area to be conveyed and which shall be attached to the executed deed document for recording in the real property records of Xxxxxxxxxx County, Texas.
Tract 5. All that property conveyed unto Jxxxx Xxxx from Mxxxxx Xxxx, Xx., and Mxxx Xxxx, his wife, by deed dated May 23, 1974, and of record in Deed Book No 130 at page 675, Office of the Breathitt County Clerk.

Examples of Tract 5 in a sentence

  • Stanley Survey, Abstract 1378, Tract 5J, Tract 5 and Tract 5B6 being approximately 3.8189 acres, locally known as 5017, 5013, 5009 Haltom Road.

  • Tract 1: 77.22 +/- acres in Section 34, South Wheatland Township Tract 2: 100 +/- acres in Section 1, South Wheatland Township Tract 3: 80 +/- acres in Section 1, South Wheatland Township Tract 4: 113 +/- acres in Section 32, South Wheatland Township Tract 5: 22.43 +/- acres in Section 14, Hickory Point Township Tract 6: 79.99 +/- acres in Section 24, Hickory Point Township Tract 7: 78.41 +/- acres in Section 6, Mt. Zion Township Legal Descriptions can be found on page 23.

  • The term “Xxxxx Xxxx Industrial Park Land” shall mean the land described as Tract 5 on Exhibit A.

  • This is for better alignment of return achieved on financing in order to satisfy the investment account holders’ expectations.

  • Hart, Register and Land Surveyor, dated 3/13/89, recorded of even date herein in Plat Book A-45, Page 6, records of the Clerk of Court of Oconee County, South Carolina, and All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being situated in the State of South Carolina, County of Oconee, Center Township, being known and designated as Tract 5, containing 66.746 acres, more or less, and is more fully described on a plat thereof prepared by James G.

  • Sellers shall notify Purchaser if such conveyance is completed on or before Closing, in which case, such conveyed property shall be deemed to be an Excluded Asset and the description of the Real Property set forth on Schedule 3.1.10(a) shall be deemed amended to delete said Tract #5.

  • SJAFB (Census Tract 5); Wayne, Wilson, Greene, Lenoir, Duplin, Sampson, and Johnston Counties, North Carolina; State of North Carolina.

  • Broken into four separate segments, Tract 5 (1.27 acres) consists of lands that Alabama Power states:(a) were incorrectly mapped as Natural/Undeveloped land instead of Potential Residential land; or (b) are isolated and no longer serve a project purpose.

  • Because of its historic role as one of the City's earliest commercial districts, and because its architectural type and elements represent a style unique to the past, a design review process is established to aid in the preservation of NC Tract 5.

  • Developer Fee Considerations for Priority Tract 5 Permanent Supportive Housing ProjectsPermanent Supportive Housing projects selected through the PSH Priority Tract may request a higher developer fee for consideration for PSH projects who demonstrate a need for additional funding to cover operating subsidies and supportive services based on development scale or funding for operating or supportive services.

More Definitions of Tract 5

Tract 5. A tract or parcel of land containing 331.44 acres, more or less, being all of the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract 328, Victoria County, Texas, LESS AND EXCEPT: A tract or parcel of land containing 234.56 acres, more or less, being located in the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract 328, Victoria County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly southeast corner of said Abstract 328 and proceed westerly along the southern boundary line of said Abstract 3,350.00 feet, more or less, to a corner; thence proceed northerly in a line parallel to the eastern boundary line of said abstract 3,050.00 feet, more or less; thence proceed easterly in a line parallel to the southern boundary line of said Abstract 328 3,426.11 feet, more or less, to the eastern boundary line of said Abstract 328; thence proceed southeasterly along the northeast line of the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract 328 and the southwest line of the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract 326 3,050.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Related to Tract 5

  • Tract means 2 or more parcels that share a common property line and are under the same ownership.

  • Tractor means every vehicle designed, constructed

  • Tractor truck means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles

  • Acre or “Acreage” means the land area of an Assessor’s Parcel as shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, or if the land area is not shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, the land area shown on the applicable Final Map or other parcel map recorded at the County Recorder’s Office.

  • Acre-foot – means the amount of water necessary to cover one acre of land one foot deep, or 325,851 gallons of water.

  • Production Area means that part of the animal feeding operation that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas. The animal confinement area includes, but is not limited to, open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, egg washing or egg processing areas, areas used for the storage and disposal/treatment of mortalities, cowyards, barnyards, medication pens, walkers, animal walkways, and stables. The manure storage area includes, but is not limited to, lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds, stockpiles, under-house or pit storages, liquid impoundments, static piles, and composting piles. The raw materials storage area includes, but is not limited to, feed silos, and silage bunkers. The waste containment area includes, but is not limited to, settling basins and areas within berms and diversions which separate uncontaminated stormwater.

  • Intersection means (i) the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral

  • Basal area means the effective surface area available to transmit the treated effluent from the filter media in a mound system into the in-situ receiving soils. The perimeter is measured at the interface of the imported fill material and in-situ soil. On sloping sites, only the area down-gradient from the up-slope edge of the distribution media may be included in this calculation.

  • Modular building means, but shall not be limited to, single and multifamily houses, apartment

  • Landing area means that part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft;

  • Lots means all or any machinery and other items sold or intended to be sold in accordance with these conditions; “Purchaser” means a person, firm or Company who purchase any Lot;

  • Rate Center Area means the following in each applicable area:

  • Open type traction battery means a type of battery requiring filling with liquid and generating hydrogen gas that is released to the atmosphere.

  • Tourism destination project means a qualified non-gaming business facility that will be among the most visited privately owned or operated tourism or recreation sites in the State, and which is located within the qualified incentive area and has been determined by the authority to be in an area appropriate for development and in need of economic development incentive assistance, including a non-gaming business within an established Tourism District with a significant impact on the economic viability of that District.

  • Highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use

  • Project Highway means the Site comprising the existing road {, proposed bypasses and tunnels} forming part of [NH-** from km ** to km **] and all Project Assets, and its subsequent development and augmentation in accordance with this Agreement;

  • MONTHLY KILOMETREAGE STATEMENT CUM BILL means the format specified by the Company.

  • ILUA Area means the geographical area in relation to which the Framework ILUA applies, as specified in Schedule 2 of the Framework ILUA;

  • PAD means a Preauthorized Debit.

  • Horizontal well means a well bore drilled laterally at an angle of at least eighty (80) degrees to the vertical or with a horizontal projection exceeding one hundred (100) feet measured from the initial point of penetration into the productive formation through the terminus of the lateral in the same common source of supply.

  • Distribution center means a building or structure used primarily for the storage of goods which are intended for subsequent shipment to retail outlets. Distribution center does not mean a building or structure used primarily to store raw agricultural products, used primarily by a manufacturer to store goods to be used in the manufacturing process, used primarily for the storage of petroleum products, or used for the retail sale of goods.

  • Truck tractor means a motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not constructed to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load that is drawn.

  • Parcel means an identifiable unit of land that is treated as separate for valuation or zoning purposes.

  • Contiguous means lots, parcels or fractional interests that

  • sugar means the organic compound glucose, fructose, xylose, arabinose, lactose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, or hemicellulose.

  • Buffer area means an area of natural or established vegetation managed to protect other components of a Resource Protection Area and state waters from significant degradation due to land disturbances.