Traffic Hours definition
Examples of Traffic Hours in a sentence
Therefore problem identification is the major step since it affects all modeling and policy analysis efforts next.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, no person or entity shall effect a "Traffic Lane Closure," perform work within or on any public street or right-of-way or in any manner obstruct a public street or right-of-way on those "Street Classifications Subject to Work Hour Restrictions" during "Peak Traffic Hours," all as defined above.
Exhibit 17: 2021 Target Zero Aerial Patrol and Traffic Missions11 TZAP and Traffic Hours Flown DMG analyzed flight logs from recent TZAP missions and noted the amount of dangerous traffic situations that the FLIR-enabled 206 was able to mitigate in a short amount of time.
Where a possession has started in Traffic Hours the PC must give the details when the TAC comes on duty.For a possession continuing over several Engineering Hours shifts, the PC must contact the TAC at the start of each shift to confirm the published arrangements.If a PC is relieving another PC at a change of shift, the PC coming on shift must give their details to the controller.
Emergency Work as defined above shall be exempt from Peak Hour Construction and Right-of-Way Obstruction Regulations during Peak Traffic Hours on Street Classifications Subject to Work Hour Restriction.
Normally you should not need additional protection staff as, by May 2015, all individuals who were certificated as SPC will have undergone PWT-EH training (or, for those that work in Traffic Hours, PWT-TH) and can therefore protect the work group.If you need additional protection staff, above and beyond what you can supply yourself, then please contacts the Access department for advice.
Parking Enforcement activities include the following elements: Peak Traffic Hours – Parking enforcement personnel normally concentrate enforcement efforts in the central business district and the areas surrounding East Carolina University during peak traffic hours from Monday through Friday, 7a.m. until 5 p.m. The patrol division enforces parking laws at all times, every day. Tow-Away Zones – Signs have been erected to indicate tow-away zones.
The standard work week for the various Departments shall consist as follows: Traffic Hours: a.m. min.
Panel Report, Canada – Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry, WT/DS139/R, WT/DS142/R (adopted 19 June 2000), para.
There are no parallel continuous alternate routes to ORE-18 that could serve diversion traffic.Congestion in this corridor could shift trips to other statewide routes or to other coastal destinations.”Figure 3-11997 Peak Traffic Hours, Day of Week FridaySaturdaySunday*Monday peak traffic hours occurred on Labor Day (three hours) and Memorial Day (two hours).