Examples of Translation Costs in a sentence
Further guidance on transcription fees can be found in 6.23 – 6.25 of the Guidance on the Remuneration of Expert Witnesses and also in section 10.18: Interpreters and Translation Costs.
The Borrower shall only be obliged to reimburse any VAT payable in accordance with Clauses 23.1 (Transaction Expenses) to 23.5 (Translation Costs) if the respective Party entitled to reimbursement thereunder confirms that it is not legally entitled to deduct input tax (Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung) in respect of the amounts to be reimbursed.
Bidder total cost proposal pricing score will be figured by adding together the bidder’s individual scores for Component 1: Written Translation Costs and Component 2: Desktop Publishing Costs.
Document Translation Costs - Appellants (%)Yes Not surprisingly, Quebecers (64%) and Francophones (35%) are more likely than others to say that document translation is covered by the Commissioner’s Office.
This perspective points to a conception of institutions as generative of interests, identities and appropriate practice models that take shape in wider sociocultural contexts (Dobbin, 1994; Espeland, 1998; Frank, Hironaka &Schofer, 2000).
Tarsiers belong to Tarsiidae family; they are described as nocturnal and arboreal carnivorous primates of Malay archipelago that have large round eyes, long legs and a long and nearly hairless tail.
Document Translation Costs In general, Appellants do not know whether costs related to translation of documents are covered by the Commissioner’s Office.
Translation Costs: Translation costs shall not be included in your tuition to Date with Destiny.