Transmission Losses definition
Examples of Transmission Losses in a sentence
The MCLs calculated for Locations within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area shall not reflect the cost of Transmission Losses on those facilities.
For those portions of the FNM that are external to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, the Base Market Model may model the resistive component for accurate modeling of Transmission Losses, but accounts for losses in the external portions of the market model separately from Transmission Losses within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.
For CAISO Controlled Grid facilities outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, the CAISO shall assess the cost of Transmission Losses to Scheduling Coordinators using each such facility based on the quantity of losses agreed upon with the neighboring Balancing Authority multiplied by the LMP at the PNode of the Transmission Interface with the neighboring Balancing Authority Area.
For all PNodes and Aggregated PNodes in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, including Scheduling Points, the use of the Base Market Model adjusted as described in Sections 27.5.1 and 27.5.6 in the DAM and the RTM processes incorporates Transmission Losses.
The Marginal Cost of Losses at a Location (PNode or APNode) may be positive or negative depending on whether an increase in Demand at that Location marginally increases or decreases the cost of Transmission Losses, using the distributed Reference Bus to balance it.