Transmission System Capacity definition
Examples of Transmission System Capacity in a sentence
PC5.2.2 A copy of the Transmission System Capacity Statement will, unless the TSO is relieved of the obligation by the Authority pursuant to the TSO Licence, be given or sent to any person who requests a copy of such statement.
PC5 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CAPACITY STATEMENT PC5.1 Development of the Transmission System By way of information for Users, and generally without imposing any other or further obligation to that contained in the TSO Licence, the following section sets out a briefdescription of the position regarding the provision by the TSO to Users of a Transmission System Capacity Statement.
To the extent such facilities are not purchased by the other Transmission Owners, the Transmission Operator shall sell for removal to the highest bidder all salable parts of the Transmission System which can be removed from service without impairing the efficiency or usefulness of the Transmission System Capacity that each other Transmission Owner is entitled to use.
The purpose of BC Hydro’s Available Transfer Capability Implementation Document (ATCID) is to address the requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Mandatory Reliability Standard MOD-001 Available Transmission System Capacity adopted for British Columbia.
Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Water Transmission System Capacity Allocation During Temporary Impairment.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, Transmission Operator shall not be obligated as an agent or fiduciary on the behalf of Transmission Owners to notify or otherwise inform a Transmission Owner of offers tendered it to acquire Transmission Operator’s ownership entitlement to use of Transmission System Capacity nor to offer any Transmission Owner participation in arrangements for use of Transmission Operator’s ownership entitlement to Transmission System Capacity.
Reduction below the rated Transmission System Capacity may occur as a result of an adverse operating condition, including, but not limited to operating emergencies, nomogram constraints, scheduled maintenance, RAS unavailability, facilities out of service, or adverse conditions in the Pacific Southwest or in California, including, but not limited to, multiple thermal generating plant outages, equipment out of service, or equipment overloads.
PC5 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CAPACITY STATEMENT PC5.1 Development of the Transmission System By way of information for Users, and generally without imposing any other or further obligation to that contained in the TSO Licence, the following section sets out a brief description of the position regarding the provision by the TSO to Users of a Transmission System Capacity Statement.
The Finance and Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the draft Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital Programme, Capital Strategy, Investment Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy and provide feedback to Cabinet and Council as part of the process for approving these strategic documents.
In addition, the Owners state that PPL Companies have raised issues that generally relate to how each Owner manages its allocation of Transmission System Capacity and thus, the Owners’ respective OATTs provide the procedures and processes that PPL Companies claim are lacking.34.