Transportation Element definition

Transportation Element means the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Transportation Element or "TE") and shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions of this Article 8. The LNG Element and the Transportation Element are subject to adjustment from time to time according to the following provisions of this Article 8 and the sum thereof as adjusted and in effect at any time shall be the Contract Sales Price. The Contract Sales Price to be applied to the BTU's comprising each cargo shall be that Contract Sales Price in effect as of the date of completion of unloading of such cargo.
Transportation Element for First Calendar Quarter of 2000 The Transportation Element included in the Contract Sales Price for the period January 1 to March 31, 2000 shall be calculated in accordance with Section 8.3, taking into account adjustments to such calculation as a result of the three (3) month period.

Examples of Transportation Element in a sentence

  • The projects and programs in the existing Transportation Element will be re-assessed based on the growth forecasts, multimodal needs, and existing transportation capital project lists from the County.

More Definitions of Transportation Element

Transportation Element means the element of the city comprehensive plan that for transportation consists of goals and policies, an inventory of facilities and services, adopted level-of- service standards, an analysis of deficiencies and needs, system improvements and management strategies and a multi-year financial plan, adopted pursuant toChapter 36.70A RCW.
Transportation Element. The transportation element update will include a “redline” of the existing transportation element document to ensure consistency with updated GMA requirements. It is assumed that Transpo will rely on available data sources, and that no new travel data will be collected. The technical appendices (Appendix D) within the existing transportation element document will not be updated as part of this effort. The 2025 transportation element update will focus on the following items: ▪ Multimodal Level of Service (MMLOS): The update will include developing MMLOS standards in accordance with updated GMA requirements reflecting the County’s transportation system vision. Development of the MMLOS will incorporate an active transportation LOS based on a system completeness methodology utilizing the PRTPO Non-motorized Connectivity Study and existing plans that outline the pedestrian and bicycle vision for the County. We anticipate (3) three meetings with staff/stakeholder groups to develop the MMLOS, including a kickoff meeting to discuss MMLOS options and two meetings to refine options and finalize the MMLOS. ▪ Goals & Policies Audit: Transpo will review the existing transportation element goals and policies as part of the overall plan audit to identify areas that may need revisions or strengthening based on updated funding, level of service standards and the current best practices in multimodal transportation planning to meet GMA requirements for certification.

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