UNC TPD definition
Examples of UNC TPD in a sentence
Hence National Grid runs a variety of annual, monthly and daily auctions which are detailed in UNC TPD Section B.
Shippers are required to provide this supply and demand information under the UNC TPD Section O.
UNC modification 0697 - Alignment of the UNC TPD Section V 5 and the Data Permissions Matrix has been raised to rationalise UNC TPD Section V5 and remove inconsistency with the DPM.
It is also likely that changes to other sections of the UNC TPD (Sections B and G) and the Transition Document will be required.
Pursuant to UNC TPD I2.2 this Modification, if approved, will enable a change to the South Hook LNG NEA.It should be noted that similar enabling Modifications, 0561S “Amendment to the Oxygen Limit within the BBL/NTS Interconnection Agreement” and 0581S “Amending the Oxygen content limit specified in the Network Entry Agreements at Grain LNG” were approved by the UNC Modification Panel in November 2015 and July 2016 respectively and were both implemented under self-governance arrangements.
UNC TPD B 4.7 should be amended to limit the scope of Ratchet Charges to these Supply Points.
This Modification will enhance the existing process by which gas quality limits in connection agreements may be amended making two changes to the UNC TPD Section I 2.2.Firstly, where National Grid NTS proposes to seek consent from Users holding NTS Entry Capacity at the relevant ASEP, an industry wide engagement window stage will be added into the process.
Under the terms of UNC TPD V5.5.2 a Code Modification is required in order to add a new User type to the Data Permission Matrix.
Parties that are directly connected to the NTS are required to register capacity in the short term under the process defined by the UNC TPD Section B.
UNC General Terms Section C – Interpretation 3.1.1 – definition of gas.2. UNC TPD Section H – Demand Estimation and Forecasting3.