Examples of Undeveloped acreage in a sentence
Undeveloped acreage includes real estate that can be sold “as is” (i.e., no infrastructure or development work has begun on such property).
Undeveloped acreage includes net acres held by operations until a productive well is established in the spacing unit.
Undeveloped acreage includes real estate that can be sold “as is” (i.e., planning, infrastructure or development work is not currently in progress on such property).
Undeveloped acreage includes leased acres on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of commercial quantities of oil and natural gas, regardless of whether or not such acreage contains proved reserves.
Undeveloped acreage is defined as acres on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of commercial quantities of oil or natural gas, regardless of whether such acreage contains proved reserves.