Unduly burdensome definition
Examples of Unduly burdensome in a sentence
Unduly burdensome and complex FDA guidance and testing procedures will have a disproportionate effect on small brewers, many of whom will have to contract out product testing to comply with the new requirements.
Unduly burdensome Fung maintains, and we agree, that certain provisions of the injunction could be interpreted to prevent Fung from ever working for any technology company whose services others might use to infringe copyright, even if those other companies are not themselves liable for primary or secondary copyright infringement.
Unduly burdensome to compel nonresident to submit to inconvenient forum; only due process factor probably considered in decision.
Unduly burdensome requirements, or standards that create greater risk of liability for directors of covered institutions than for other companies, discourage capable directors from serving, or continuing to serve, on covered institution boards.21 As we discuss below, there are numerous aspects of the proposal that would discourage, or even directly prevent, qualified directors from serving on the boards of covered institutions.
It includes the right to obtain the documents necessary to leave one’s country such as a national passport.407 Unduly burdensome rules and administrative procedures to obtain travel documents may constitute an infringement of the right to freedom of movement.408370.