Examples of Uniform Agreement in a sentence
Article 23.03 of the Uniform Agreement (and similar clauses in the civilian agreements) will be amended to confirm that Article 23.03 will apply to a member made the subject of a complaint under the Ontario Human Rights Code because of acts done by the member in the attempted performance in good faith of the member’s duties as a member of the Toronto Police Service.
Pinwheel only satisfies (nonuniform) Agreement, but the authors argue that the algorithm could easily be modified to sat- isfy Uniform Agreement [Cristian et al.
Figure 1 (page 11) illustrates a violation of the Uniform Agreement property.
SCHEDULE 1 Administrative Process For Article 23.03, Uniform Agreement (and similar clauses in Civilian Agreements) PreambleThe Association has brought to the attention of the Board its concerns regarding legal representation in civil suits.
Nevertheless, it seems plausible that the algorithm ensures Uniform Total Order and Uniform Agreement.
Two variants are defined: the more efficient one tolerates f < n/3 crashes and the other tolerates f < n/2 crashes.The Total algorithm fulfills the Agreement property (in fact, Uniform Agreement) with high probability.
Depending on the user’s choice, RMP satisfies Agreement, Uniform Agreement, or neither of these properties.However, in order to ensure the strong guarantees, RMP must assume that a majority of the processes remain correct and always connected.
Beside, Pinwheel only satisfies (non-uniform) Agreement, but the authors argue that the algorithm could easily be modified to satisfy Uniform Agreement [Cristian et al.
With this definition, Rampart satisfies both Uniform Agreement and Uniform Total Order.The algorithm is based on a group membership service, which requires that at least one third of all processes in the current view reach an agreement on the exclusion of some process from the group.
The provisions of this Article shall be interpreted as to allow for a leave of absence for a maximum of two (2) Members irrespective of whether the Member is covered by the provisions of the Civilian or Uniform Agreement.