Union security provision definition
Examples of Union security provision in a sentence
In the event the Union security provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, unenforceable or of no legal effect generally or with respect to any building because of interpretation or a change of federal or state statute, city ordinance or rule or decision of any government administrative body, agency or subdivision, the permissible Union security clause under such statute, decision or regulation shall be enforceable as a substitute for the Union security clause provided for herein.
In the event the Union security provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, unenforceable or of no legal effect generally or with respect to any Employer because of interpretation or a change in federal or state statute, city ordinance or rule or decision of any government administrative body, agency or subdivision, the permissible Union security clause under such statute, decision or regulation shall be enforceable as a substitute for the Union security clause provided for herein.
The Employer will promptly inform all employees covered by this Agreement of the Union's exclusive recognition and the Union security provision.
In the event the Union security provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, unenforceable, or of no legal effect generally or with respect to any Employer because of interpretation or a change in federal or state statute, city ordinance or rule, or decision of any government administrative body, agency or subdivision, the permissible Union security clause under such statute, decision or regulation shall be enforceable as a substitute for the Union security clause provided for herein.
If any employee transfers into a different bargaining unit position after September 29, 1999, the employee shall be subject to the Union security provision.
The Employer will inform new, transferred, promoted, or demoted employees prior to appointment into positions included in the bargaining unit(s) of the Union’s exclusive recognition and the Union security provision.
Employees covered by this collective bargaining Agreement and hired by the department before September 29, 1999, who were not in a collective bargaining unit prior to that date shall not be subject to the Union security provision as long as they remain in the positions they held on September 29, 1999.
This Union security provision shall be subject to immediate negotiation with the Employer as to any further changes permissible under future legal authority.
In the event the Union security provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, unenforce- able or of no legal effect generally or with respect to any building because of interpretation or a change of federal or state statute, city ordi- xxxxx or rule or decision of any government administrative body, agency or subdivision, the permissible Union security clause under such statute, decision or regulation shall be enforce- able as a substitute for the Union security clause provided for herein.
It is understood that no employee who, as a condition of employment is required by the Union security provision in the preceding Article to maintain membership in good standing to the extent of paying amounts equivalent to monthly dues, shall be relieved of that obligation by revocation of their authorizations to allow such dues to be deducted from their paychecks.