University land definition
Examples of University land in a sentence
These programs include faculty rental housing, mortgage assistance programs, faculty home loan programs, housing allowance, short-term housing loan programs, salary differential housing allowance, and housing for sale on University land.
In accordance with University policies and guidelines, the Committee evaluates, and makes recommendations on, proposals for naming University land, buildings and other facilities.
Stanford University land in Santa Clara County includes the academic campus, residential areas, and most of the foothills east of Alpine Road.
Chinese students have great difficulties and made many mistakes in tenses, and possessive, subject–verb agreement, person and number agreement, changes of predicate verbs, passives, plural nouns, indefinite articles and definite articles, etc.
On July 2, 1998, the Foundation entered into an agreement with Oakland University to finance and manage construction of a new golf course on University land.
During the University’s first half-century, its land holdings were gradually sold to meet other needs, with the result that much of the present Salem downtown is built on former University land.
This Code applies to all conduct which takes place on University land and premises either rented or owned or using University owned or run property or equipment including, but not limited to, telephones, computers and computer networks.
St. Paul, MN 55155-1050 Dear Ms. Lincoln: On behalf of the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, I submit the following annual report to the Legislature under Minnesota Statutes Section 137.52(b) regarding the University’s efforts and the efforts of the United States Department of Defense to remedy environmental impacts associated with the former Gopher Ordnance Works (GOW), a World War II smokeless powder production facility located on University land in Rosemount, Minnesota.
This would include, within the area of the LEP:o Any interest in any land in the LEP areas, including your place(s) of residencyo Any tenancy where the landlord is the LEP and the tenant is a body in which the relevant person has aninterestPotential development on University land in ManchesterNone o Any licence for a month or longer to occupy land owned by the LEP.
If there are questions as to whether an easement is required, contact the Midland office or the University Lands Designated Field Representative.• Any caliche taken from University land other than reclaimed University caliche requires a payment fee as stated on page 3, II.