Indian land definition

Indian land means the lands of any Indian Tribe or within Indian country.
Indian land. ’ means land title to which is held by—
Indian land for purposes of this FOA, means –

Examples of Indian land in a sentence

  • Dependent Indian Communities refers to a limited category of Indian lands that are neither reservation or trust lands that satisfy the following two requirements: (1) they are set aside by the federal government for the use as Indian land and, (2) they must be under federal superintendence.

  • The timber on any Indian land held under a trust or other patent containing restrictions on alienations may be sold by the owner or owners with the consent of the Secretary of the Inte- rior, and the proceeds from such sales, after de- ductions for administrative expenses to the ex- tent permissible under section 413 of this title, shall be paid to the owner or owners or disposed of for their benefit under regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Interior.

  • The timber on any Indian land held under a trust or other patent containing restrictions on alienations may be sold by the Secretary of the Interior without the consent of the owners when in his judgment such action is necessary to pre- vent loss of values resulting from fire, insects, disease, windthrow, or other natural catas- trophes.

  • Tribal demonstration project(a) In generalThe Director may establish and carry out a program providing for demonstration projects involving open dumps on Indian land or Alaska Native land.

  • The term ‘‘postclosure maintenance’’ means any activity undertaken at a closed solid waste management facility on Indian land or on Alaska Native land to maintain the integ- rity of containment features, monitor compli- ance with applicable performance standards, or remedy any situation or occurrence that violates regulations promulgated pursuant to subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42U.S.C. 6941 et seq.).

More Definitions of Indian land

Indian land means land within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation held in trust by the federal government for the benefit of an Indian tribe or an Indian and land within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation owned in fee by an Indian tribe or an Indian.
Indian land means all land within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation in this state and all other land in this state that is held in trust for an Indian tribe or for a member of an Indian tribe.
Indian land means trust or other- wise restricted land (i) as defined by the Secretary of the Interior, over which an Indian tribe is recognized by the United States as having govern- mental jurisdiction; (ii) held in trust for the benefit of any Indian tribe or individual or held by any Indian tribe or individual subject to a restriction by the United States against alienation; or (iii) acquired by Alaska natives under the Alaska Native Claims Settle- ment Act or any other land acquired by Alaska natives pursuant to statute by virtue of their unique status as Alaska natives.
Indian land means land that qualifies as "Indian country" under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1151.
Indian land means, (Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Ho Chunk Nation), the territory of the Ho Chunk Nation shall include all lands held by the Nation or the People, or by the United States for the benefit of the Nation or the People, and any additional lands acquired by the Nation or by the United States for the benefit of the Nation or the People, including but not limited to air, water, surface, subsurface, natural resources and any interest therein, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent or right-of-way in Fee or otherwise, by the governments of the United States or the Ho Chunk Nation, existing or in the future.
Indian land means land within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation held in trust by the federal government for the benefit of an Indian Tribe or an Indian and land held within the exterior boundaries of an Indian Reservation owned in fee by an Indian Tribe or an Indian.
Indian land for purposes of this FOA, means any land which is located within or outside the boundaries of an “Indian reservation” (see definition below), pueblo, or rancheria, the title to which is held –