Examples of Unrestricted Funds in a sentence
The Current Funds are used to account for the revenues and expenditures resulting from operations, with the Unrestricted Funds and Restricted Fund shown separately.
Current funds that are internally designated for specific purposes by the governing board or management having delegated authority are reported as Unrestricted Funds.
Funds managed by IICA are classified in the accompanying financial statements, according to the accounting policies established by IICA, as Unrestricted Funds, Temporarily Restricted Funds, and Permanently Restricted Funds.
Restricted and Unrestricted Funds - IICA applies the accounting standards contained in the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards FASB ASC Topic 958, Not-For-Profit Entities.
The balance of each Temporarily Restricted Fund decreases when available resources are used for established purposes, and it is disclosed as “net assets released from restrictions” in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets and in the Statement of Activities of Unrestricted Net Assets.The balance of Unrestricted Funds increases with the excess of income over expenses from IICA’s activities (increase in unrestricted net assets), as determined at year-end.