Examples of Urgent Matter in a sentence
Receiving Correspondence and Other Communications24.1 Correspondence – Signed – Legible – Public24.2 Correspondence – Circulated – Agenda24.3 Correspondence – Submission Prior to 12:00 PM (Noon)24.4 Correspondence – Late Submission – Consideration – Urgent Matter Only24.5 Petitions – Requirements and Submission of Petitions 25.
In British Columbia, it was the Fire Chiefs’ Association of British Columbia that initially urged the provincial government to take action on the dangers of grow operations in its 2004 report entitled On an Urgent Matter of Public Safety.
Other Urgent Matter: Motion to move agenda item F.1 We Activities Report to Open Session.
Order of Business The Chair agreed, in terms of Standing Order 9.3, to vary the order of business to allow consideration of an Urgent Matter immediately following Agenda Item 2 (Civic Government (Scotland) Act: Licensing Matters).4.
Pursuant to subsection 5(e) of the MOU Respecting the Oversight of Certain Clearing and Settlement Systems among the Bank, the OSC, the AMF and the BCSC, the Parties will observe the following Protocol if any Party identifies an Urgent Matter.