Urgent Action. Under certain conditions, the SC may designate a proposed Standard or revision to a Standard as requiring urgent action. Urgent action may be appropriate when a delay in implementing a proposed Standard or revision could materially impact reliability of the BPS. The SC must use its judgment carefully to ensure an urgent action is truly necessary and not simply an expedient way to change or implement a Standard. A requester prepares a SAR and a draft of the proposed Standard and submits both to the SPM. The SAR must include a justification for urgent action. The SPM submits the request to the SC for its consideration. If the SC designates the requested Standard or revision as an urgent action item, then the SPM shall immediately post the draft for pre- ballot review. This posting requires a minimum 30-day posting period before the ballot and applies the same voting procedure as detailed in Step 5. Processing will continue as outlined in the subsequent steps. In the event additional drafting is required, a SDT will be assembled as outlined in the Procedure. Any Standard approved as an urgent action shall have a termination date specified that shall not exceed one year from the approval date. Should there be a need to make the Standard permanent, then the Standard would be required to go through the full Standard development process. All urgent action Standards require ReliabilityFirst Board, NERC and FERC approval, as outlined for Standards in the regular process. Urgent actions that expire may be renewed using the urgent action process again, in the event a permanent Standard is not adopted. In determining whether to authorize an urgent action Standard for a renewal ballot, the SC shall consider the impact of the Standard on the reliability of the BPS and whether expeditious progress is being made toward a permanent replacement Standard. The SC shall not authorize a renewal ballot if there is insufficient progress toward adopting a permanent replacement Standard or if the SC lacks confidence that a reasonable completion date is achievable. The intent is to ensure that an urgent action Standard does not in effect take on a degree of permanence due to the lack of an expeditious effort to develop a permanent replacement Standard. With these principles, there is no predetermined limit on the number of times an urgent action may be renewed. However, each urgent action Standard renewal shall be effective only upon approval by the ReliabilityFirst Board, NERC and ...
Urgent Action. (a) If urgent action is required to protect the Subcontract Works, other property or people and the Subcontractor fails to take the required action, the Contractor may take the required action and any cost incurred by the Contractor shall be a debt due and payable from the Subcontractor to the Contractor.
(b) If time permits, the Contractor’s Representative shall give the Subcontractor prior written notice of the Contractor’s intention to take required action pursuant to this clause.
Urgent Action. 11. 1 In the event that any urgent action is necessary to protect the water supply (or the safety of any person or thing in relation to it), the Customer is entitled to take and must take such urgent action as may be reasonably necessary and will immediately notify LBW of such action.
Urgent Action. 1 Where urgent action is required, the Minister or the Director-General, as required, may exercise all necessary powers and functions without having regard to the views of the Board.
Urgent Action. 10.1 In cases of urgency Partner Representatives may agree any course of action within the remit of the Executive Group in writing which shall include exchange of emails Received for Partner Authority By: Date & Time: Certified Costs: For Agent SAMPLE For Partner Authority. Certified Complete: For Agent For Partner Authority.
Urgent Action. (a) Subject to clause 7.8(c), the Manager may take such emergency action as, in the Manager’s judgement, is necessary to preserve property, avoid, mitigate or prevent material risk of harm or damage to persons, property or the environment and to ensure Participants comply with their respective contractual and legal obligations in relation to the Joint Venture Operations. page | 33
(b) The Manager must promptly notify the Participants as and when any costs of the nature referred to in clause 7.8(a) above are incurred.
(c) To the extent that time permits, the Manager must use reasonable endeavours to:
(i) seek the approval of the Management Committee as otherwise required of it under this agreement; or
(ii) consult with the Participants and the Management Committee, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the need to take urgent action.
Urgent Action. 9.4.1 Where applicable, the Authority that is currently serving as chairperson of the Partnership Board may take urgent action requiring authority to proceed outside of Partnership Board meetings. All such actions shall be formally reported to the next full Partnership Board – or sooner if necessary. No action to exceed budgetary estimates in the Parties’ business plans or to delay the effective delivery of the Services unreasonably shall be taken without unanimous Partnership Board approval.
Urgent Action. In the event that urgent action is required on behalf of the Joint Committee, the Regional Adoption Manager shall first consult the Host Authority's Head of Children's Services and then consult the Chair and in his absence the Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee and the Regional Adoption Manager shall in consultation with the Chair (or in his absence the Vice-Chair) take such action as he considers appropriate. The Host shall report such actions to all the Partners without delay.
Urgent Action. (1) Subject to section 9.8(3), the Service Provider has the right and obligation to take such action as is reasonably necessary to prevent or correct unforeseen circumstances that give rise to material risk to human health or safety, risk to the environment, risk to property condition or title, and to avoid and mitigate other physical, commercial or legal risks and to ensure MineCo and ExploreCo comply with their respective contractual and legal obligations in relation to the Operations.
(2) The Service Provider must promptly notify MineCo and ExploreCo and the Management Committee as and when any costs of the nature referred to in section 9.8(1) above are incurred.
(3) To the extent that time permits, the Service Provider must use reasonable endeavours to:·
(i) seek the approval of the Management Committee as otherwise required of it under this Agreement; or
(ii) consult with MineCo and ExploreCo and the Management Committee, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the need to take urgent action.
Urgent Action. (a) Subject to clause 8.9(c), the Manager has the right to take any urgent or emergency action as, in its judgement, is necessary to preserve property, avoid, mitigate or prevent material risk of harm or damage to persons, property or the environment and to ensure Participants comply with their respective contractual and legal obligations in relation to the Operations.
(b) The Manager must promptly notify the Participants as and when any costs of the nature referred to in clause 8.9(a) above are incurred. Corrs Xxxxxxxx Westgarth
(c) To the extent that time permits, the Manager must use reasonable endeavours to:
(i) seek the approval of the Management Committee as otherwise required of it under this document; or
(ii) consult with the Participants and the Management Committee, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the need to take urgent action.