Examples of Users Terms in a sentence
As mentioned in the Users Terms it is their sole obligation and responsibility to check such restrictions and limitations before using the Communication Service and to comply with them.
This is denoted by RRS[PK] ›→ F[C1[IsA(K1, E(K1))], ..., Cn[IsA(Kn, E(Kn))], R1[RRS(PK)]].Case (a) is that the RS is an ERS and it has at least one attribute which is not used for the PK.
The Client agrees to ensure that all individuals accessing the Software, are employees or contractors, do so under authorized use by the Client, access such within Client’s premises or on hardware owned/leased by the Client, and will ensure its Authorized Users compliance with the Authorized Users Terms of Use.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Bank’s terms and conditions for specific services, including but not limited to, the BusinessVue Users Terms and Conditions, you agree with us to the use of certain procedures and security devices (referred to individually and collectively, “Security Device(s)”) designed to verify the authenticity of payment orders.
By using the Humanitix APIs, you agree to these API Terms without modification and enter into a binding contract with Humanitix, which will be applicable when and if you use the Humanitix APIs. If you do not agree to the API Terms, you may not access or use the Humanitix APIs. Incorporation By Reference.These API Terms and the rights and obligations contained in these API Terms are in addition to and are incorporated into the Terms of Use, which applies to all Humanitix Users ("Terms of Use"), by reference.
Framing the ProblemPurpose Users Terms & Classifications FundingProcess UnderstandingEstimated Carbon Pools & FluxesKnown Carbon Pools & FluxesFigure 3.
In the event that the prohibited products specified in the User's Terms and Conditions of Use has been sent to Shopyturkey, without any criminal responsibility but are prohibited by this Agreement, Shopyturkey has the right to refuse these product list and to send them back at the User's expense.
This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is incorporated by reference in User's Terms of Service with Lead Liaison LLC ("Lead Liaison") and User's Service may be suspended or terminated for violation of this AUP in accordance with the Terms of Service.
Village Clerk Williams reviewed the conditions of the challenge and stated the challenge was overturned.
Byvisiting the Site, You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.1.3. If You do not want Us to collect, disclose, share and use Your information, including but not limited to any Personal Information, You may terminate Your Account with OFS in accordance with the Users Terms above andavailable at the Site.