Examples of Using Departments in a sentence
Each report must contain the following information: Contract Number; Using Department's Address, Contact Name, and Telephone Number; Product Ordered; Quantity Ordered; Quantity Shipped; and Price Charged, with totals for each product for each reporting period.
Upon receipt of the Contractor’s termination claim, the Contract Administrator, with the approval of the Purchasing Manager, shall pay from the Using Department's budget the reasonable costs of termination, including a reasonable amount for profit on Services delivered or completed.
Using Departments shall keep any and all information not subject to the Freedom Of Information Act, confidential from vendors in order to protect the integrity of fair and open public competition.
All FCG&PS Using Departments must order services listed by issuing FCG&PS Purchase Orders per FCG&PS Procurement Procedures Manual.
Using Departments shall prepare acceptable technical specifications that characteristically define the quality of goods or services needed to perform a specific function, and shall provide evidence of funding i.e. appropriated budget code, at the time of solicitation development.
The Using Departments for these services are the City Council, City Administrator, City Clerk, Planning Board, Public Works, Finance, Tax Collector, Municipal Court and all other departments with the City of Brigantine.
Unfortunately, data from one project alone is not enough to judge managerial decisions.
County: Prince William County, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, governed by the Board of County Supervisors of Prince William County, Virginia, and consisting of all of the County’s authorized Using Departments, divisions, branches, sections, agencies, offices, boards, districts, and entities.
The Using Departments for these services are the Board of Chosen Freeholders, County Administrator, County Counsel, Planning Board, Adjuster, Human Resources, Finance & Administrative Services, Park Commission and all other departments, agencies, divisions, boards and bodies with the County of Somerset.
Using Departments shall comply with all Policy requirements, specifically Appendix A, Ethics in Public Contracting, during all purchasing transactions.