Examples of Utilization in a sentence
No amendment to the Utilization Plan may be made without prior written approval from the Department’s Bureau of Small Business Enterprises.
A request to reconsider shall be delivered to the Contract Compliance Section and shall be handled and considered in the same manner as set forth in paragraph (c) of “Good Faith Effort Procedures” of this Special Provision, except a final decision that a good faith effort was not made during contract performance to achieve the goal agreed to in the Utilization Plan shall be the final administrative decision of the Department.
As stated above, the Contractor shall not terminate or replace a DBE subcontractor listed in the approved Utilization Plan without prior written consent.
If the Contractor does not have the full amount of work indicated in the Utilization Plan performed by the DBE companies indicated in the Utilization Plan and after good faith efforts are reviewed, the Department may deduct from contract payments to the Contractor the amount of the goal not achieved as liquidated and ascertained damages.
The Contractor shall not terminate or replace a DBE listed on the approved Utilization Plan, or perform with other forces work designated for a listed DBE except as provided in this Special Provision.