Examples of Validation Date in a sentence
This Agreement will be effective only upon Validation and will be effective on the Validation Date.
I t is t h e d a t e e n t e r ed b y t h e iss u i n g a ge n t i n t h e u ppe r r ig h t co r - n e r of t h e bo n d.( b) Validation Date is t h e d a t e a s of w h ic h a bo n d is a c t ua ll y i n sc r ibed fo r iss u e.
For the avoidance of doubt, for the Solis Product that was sold prior to the Warranty Validation Date, the original terms and conditions supplied with that Solis Product will continue to apply.
These packages are listed by the Date of PTR Validation, Date of Manifest Transmission, and Transaction ID.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Solis Warranty under this document is not applicable to the Solis Product sold prior to the Warranty Validation Date.