Examples of Variable Interest Rate Bonds in a sentence
The Bonds permitted to be issued under the Resolution include Capital Appreciation Bonds, Deferred Income Bonds, Option Bonds and Variable Interest Rate Bonds.
The Bonds permitted to be issued under the Resolution include, but are not limited to, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Deferred Income Bonds, Option Bonds and Variable Interest Rate Bonds.
Any such Variable Interest Rate Bond debt service reserve fund shall not secure Bonds other than the Variable Interest Rate Bonds for which it is established to secure, and no Variable Interest Rate Bond shall be secured by the Debt Service Reserve Fund established pursuant to the provisions summarized under this caption.
Although the City’s self-liquidity supported variable rate bonds may be payable upon demand (see the Variable Interest Rate Bonds section), the bonds are included in the below table per their respective redemption schedules.
The 2007A Bonds are comprised of Variable Interest Rate Bonds due 9/1/2038.