Vertical definition
Examples of Vertical in a sentence
Vertical barricades shall not be used in lane closure tapers, lane shifts, exit ramp gores, or staged construction projects lasting more than 12 hours.
Vertical lines in the left hand margin indicate an amendment from the previous version.
Fee Fee Status Existing Zoning Sqft Proposed Zoning Sqft Horizontal Enlrgmt Vertical Enlrgmt Enlargement SQ Footage Street Frontage ExistingN o.
For example, in case the tendered scope is a Boiler Vertical Package comprising of Boiler, ESP and Power Cycle Piping (i.e. the ‘identified packages as per TabIe-1 below), the ‘PERFORMANCE’ part against
Horizontal and Vertical control ties must be made and tabulated, to other control points in the vicinity, which were established by other sources such as, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and any other local entities as directed by the State.