Examples of Village Streets in a sentence
The Law authorizes fifty percent (50%) of all monies in the Surplus Fund of the Limited Obligation Highway Bonds, Series 1992 A Debt Service Fund to be paid to the Village Streets Fund.
Passage – A Passage is a linear area primarily designed for pedestrian traffic or balanced pedestrian and vehicle traffic, often providing mid- block connections between Primary and Secondary Village Streets or access to public spaces internal to a block.
Along the same lines, we can simulate class inheritance with our linguistic constructs (thus encoding JAVA di- alects, like [46], and programming environments, like [41], where traits coexist with class inheritance).
Therefore, they are not as effective and so are not included in the Street Modification Guide for Village Streets as a traffic calming measure.
Permissive Tax Fund – This fund receives money from the State for repairing Village Streets.
Secondary Village Street – A Secondary Village Streets, while still reflecting the pedestrian characterof the Village, may accommodate more automobile access and a lower level of streetscape enhancements.
DBO) Agreement between Reynolds Water Islamorada, LLC, and Islamorada, Village of Islands, to Provide Bicycle Lane Design and Construction on Selected Village Streets Wastewater Program Manager Greg Tindle presented the staff report to Council.
Synopsis: Town Council is being asked to approve the acceptance of Fairway Village Streets.
Streets range from Downtown and Corridor streets which carry a large volume of traffic to Village Streets which carry lower volumes of neighborhood traffic.
On January 3, 2019 DASNY confirmed the Senate Finance Committee approved the project change to include installation of a new sidewalk along Village Streets (i.e., Country Club Drive) rather than replace sidewalk along Homestead Avenue/NYS Route 208.