Examples of Violation Ticket in a sentence
If We are issued a ticket in accordance with the Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation (the “Fines Regulation”) for an offence listed in Schedule 2 of the Fines Regulation respecting the Regulation.
Parties who receive a notice of hearing and require interpreter services for their hearing must contact the Violation Ticket Center at 1-877-661-8026 prior to their hearing date.
Disciplinary actions include the issuance of a Violation Ticket, short or long-term suspension from the bus, short or long-term suspension from school, expulsion from school and the filing of charges with law enforcement authorities.Buses are equipped with video equipment and students may be monitored at any time to insure a safe bus ride and to help with discipline.
This form can be filed by mailing it to the Violation Ticket Centre address listed above, or filing it at any court registry.
No person shall park a motor vehicle on a Village parking lot unattended for more than five (5) consecutive days.(C) Parking Violation Ticket.