Examples of Virginia Air Pollution Control Law in a sentence
This permit is issued in accordance with West Virginia Air Pollution Control Law W.Va. Code §§22-5-1 et seq.
Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the federal Clean Air Act or the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law or both and is ground for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or, for denial of a permit renewal application.
The existence of a permit under this article shall not constitute a defense to a violation of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law (§ 10.1-1300 et seq.
This permit is issued in accordance with West Virginia Air Pollution Control Law W.Va. Code §§22-5- 1 et seq.
No provision of this part or any permit issued thereunder shall relieve an owner of the responsibility to comply in all respects with any existing zoning ordinances and regulations in the locality in which the source is located or proposes to be located; provided, however, that such compliance does not relieve the board of its duty under 9VAC5-170-170 and § 10.1-1307 E of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law to independently consider relevant facts and circumstances.
The existence of a permit under this chapter shall not constitute a defense of a violation of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law or the regulations of the board and shall not relieve any owner of the responsibility to comply with any applicable regulations, laws, ordinances, and orders of the governmental entities having jurisdiction.
Existence of permit no defense.The existence of a permit under this article shall not constitute a defense to a violation of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law (§ 10.1-1300 et seq.
The existence of a permit, license or certification under this chapter shall not constitute a defense to a violation of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law, the Virginia Motor Vehicle Emissions Control Law or this chapter and shall not relieve any owner of the responsibility to comply with any applicable regulations, laws, ordinances and orders of any governmental entities having jurisdiction.
The board may impose conditions upon permits and other approvals which may be necessary to carry out the policy of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law, and which are consistent with the regulations of the board.
Clean Air Act, NEPA, VA Air Pollution Control LawCategorical Exclusions: NoneCriteria for Determining Significance: Exceedance of NAAQS ThresholdsAnalysis Discussion National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) The VDEQ’s Air Monitoring Program is responsible for carrying out the mandates of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law, as well as meeting Virginia's federal obligations under the Clean Air Act.