Volume definition
Examples of Volume in a sentence
The following are Nominated Lots and Nominated Houses (unless stated otherwise as a Nominated Lot only) for the purposes of this Agreement: 1 Yes 1A Crown Grant (Freehold) in Trust to Aboriginal Lands Trust Lot .., Deposited Plan ……….., Volume ……, Folio …..
Unregistered Lease to ……… commencing 1 January 1977 for 99 years 5 years from the Commencement Date 2 No NA Crown Grant (Freehold) in Trust to Aboriginal Lands Trust L……, Deposited Plan ………, Volume ….., Folio ….
The Equipment Volume is (i) the number of units under each Subscription Tier provided to Customer under this Agreement multiplied by (ii) the applicable Subscription Tier (as defined below).
In addition, with respect to the USACE Individual Permits and Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Developer shall utilize Best Management Practices and shall be responsible for performance of the general conditions and requirements described in Federal Register Volume 72, No. 47, p.
Disputes relating to this agreement will be resolved in accordance with instructions provided in the Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, Appendix 5, Intragovernmental Transaction Guide.