Examples of Voucher Payment in a sentence
This was for families who have not been able to increase their incomes to the level where 40% of their monthly adjusted income equals or exceeds the lower of their Housing Choice Voucher Program gross rent or Voucher payment standard, or the fair market rent for their PH unit, are being transferred to safety-net status.
The amount of the client fee and any second child discount are deducted from the SC Voucher payment to the provider.
Add rent to owner (line 12k) to the utility allowance (line 12m).Line 12q:Lower of Voucher payment standard for family (line 12j) or gross rent of unit (line 12p).Line 12r:Total tenant payment (TTP).
Also, in no event may the Rural Development Voucher payment exceed the actual tenant lease rent.
Also, the rents for units not restricted under an affordability requirement will be set at a reasonable level, either in-line with the market, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) maximum rent, the HOME High Rent if applicable, or the Housing Choice Voucher payment standard minus a utility allowance.Contract Rents for Project-Based Units or Units Occupied by Housing Choice Voucher holders.
The final Invoice Voucher payment shall not occur prior to the completion of all project activities identified in the SCOPE OF WORK and the Board's receipt and acceptance of the Certified Project Completion Report.
Conditions of default include: transfer of title or sale of the property without repayment or assumption of the HOME/NSP/CDBG DAP second loan. property taxes are not paid proper insurance is not maintained Deferred Loan Agreement and deed restrictions are not adhered to Housing Choice Voucher payment is not deposited with mortgage servicer Unremedied default may result in DAP funds being recaptured.
In cases where payment is claimed by person/s other than named Payee/Creditor, proper authorization should be attached to the Voucher; payment should be supported by the proper receipts and other necessary documents that establish the legitimacy.
The final Invoice Voucher payment shall not occur prior to the completion of all project activities identified in the SCOPE OF WORK and the BOARD's receipt and acceptance of the Certified Project Completion Report.
Voucher payment standards are insufficient to afford units in numerous areas of the region, and significant federal cutbacks in the resources available to the Section 8 program have made raising payment standards unrealistic.