Examples of Watershed groups in a sentence
Watershed groups already operating prior to policy adoption may participate in the watershed approach provided they are willing to comply with the other requirements of this policy.
The permit requires a regional collaboration and Public Works is participating in 19 Watershed groups that were formed to complete watershed management plans to collectively develop and implement projects/programs to meet MS4 permit requirements and to identify opportunities for water quality projects that will also increase stormwater reuse and augment local water supply.
LEXIS 22483 (M.D.N.C. June 23, 2000); In re Funk, No. 02-51304 7, 2002 WL 31051035 (Bankr.M.D.N.C. Sept.
Watershed groups and other planners who are determining goals must keep in mind the overarching goals presented in this document.
They are a principal consultant to one Watershed group and a sub- consultant to two other Watershed groups, however; they did not apply for a WC position in those Watersheds due to possible conflicts of interest.
Watershed groups that have already completed some or all of the required tasks must demonstrate how the additional work/updates proposed will further enhance the goals of the watershed group to address watershed issues.
Submitted joint application with CRWP for Tree Projects in Lyndhurst and Richmond Heights - Dominion/WRLC Mini Watershed Grant – up to $5,000 for Watershed groups.
DEP in association with the Department of Interior's Office of Surface Mine Reclamation and Watershed groups, county conservation districts, conservation groups and other non-profit and for profit groups will continue to partner to remove acidity as a pollutant from the water resource.
Provide communities grant opportunity resources to evaluate for their use.- OEPA-SWIF grant - not available this year- OEPA 319 Program – not announced to date- WRRSP – not announced to date- Dominion Watershed Grant – newly announced – up to $5,000 for Watershed groups.
Local Watershed groups should help lead in the development of these watershed plans.