Examples of Welcome to Medicare in a sentence
Additionally, we would consider the Welcome to Medicare visit (G0402) and the annual wellness visits (G0438 and G0439) as primary care services for purposes of the Shared Savings Program.
The mechanism underlying the intermittent turbulence has yet to be unambiguously determined.
Starting in 2011, FQHC claims are required to include HCPCS codes that identify the specific service provided, in order for us to develop a statutorily required prospective payment system for FQHCs. In addition, FQHCs were required to submit a HCPCS code to receive payment for the Welcome to Medicare visit (G0402) beginning in 2009.
You pay a $0 copay for a Medicare- covered EKG screening following the "Welcome to Medicare" preventive visit.
Outreach event typesSome outreach events types follow, but are not limited to: • Welcome to Medicare – For consumers turning age 65.• Community health fairs – Limited-English, senior housing, shred events, etc.• Community Colleges - Continuing education for current and soon-to-be Medicare eligible.• Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) - Fraud prevention and awareness.
Updating the Welcome to Medicare PackageIndividuals who are receiving Social Security benefits at least four months prior to the month in which they turn 65 years of age (or in the case of the disabled, for at least four months prior to their 25th month of disability benefit) are automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B.18 These individuals are sent a “Welcome to Medicare” package three months prior to their month of eligibility.
ProvisionSection 17003 requires the HHS Secretary to update the Welcome to Medicare package, taking into consideration information and recommendations provided by stakeholders on how to improve the enrollment and coverage information provided in this package.
The HHS Secretary is to request the information from stakeholders (including patient advocates, issuers, and employers) within 6 months of the date of enactment and to update the information in the Welcome to Medicare package not later than 12 months after the last day of the period for the request of this information.
Updating the Welcome to Medicare package.1 TITLE I—PROVISIONS RELATING2 TO MEDICARE PART A3 SEC.
This package includes the following: (1) Welcome to Medicare cover letter; (2) Welcome to Medicare booklet; (3) Medicare card; and (4) Form CMS-1966 (Part B refusal card), together with a postage-paid envelope.The booklet provides a basic overview of the various parts of Medicare and lists key decisions that new Medicare beneficiaries need to make.