Well screen definition

Well screen or "screen" means a manufactured intake structure with uniform openings designed to retain the aquifer formation, prevent collapse of the borehole adjacent to the screen, and accommodate a yield adequate for the intended use of the well.
Well screen means a filtering device (e.g. manufactured perforated pipe) used as a sediment filter allowing entrance or exit of sub-surface fluids.
Well screen means a device, usually made of plas- tic or metal that is capable of preventing unconsolidated or poorly consolidated geologic material from entering the well. The size of the material which is prevented from entering the well is predetermined and controlled by the screen opening or slot size of the screen. A well screen may include a riser pipe.

Examples of Well screen in a sentence

  • Well screen and short blank PVC casing sections will be installed through the oxide interval below the bedrock exclusion zone.

  • Well construction.2. Well reconstruction.3. The construction of a dry drillhole or unsuccessful well that is not immediately filled and sealed.4. Driving or replacing a driven well point.5. Well screen replacement if the screen is set more than 5 feet above or below the original screen depth setting.(b) The well driller or well constructor shall submit a complete and accurate well construction report to the department and to the well owner.

  • Well screen and inner casing shall not be dropped or allowed to fall uncontrolled into the hole.

  • Well screen / strainer shall be of Fiber Glass or as mentioned in drawings suitable for gravel pack tubewell.

  • We'll screen a selection of self-created short adoption videos and share our experience and enthusiasm for storytelling and adoption reform through video.

More Definitions of Well screen

Well screen means a filtering device attached to a well casing and designed to allow water into the well while keeping sediment out. (« filtre de puits »)
Well screen means the intake section of the well that obtains water from an aquifer and serves as a structural retainer to support the bore hole in unconsolidated materials.
Well screen means pipe or cylindrical tubing with slots of a uniform width, orientation, and spacing.
Well screen means perforated pipe or tubing, unsealed concrete tiles or other material installed in a well to filter out particulate matter and form the water intake zone. (“filtre de puits”) R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 903, s. 1; O. Reg. 128/03, s. 1; O. Reg. 372/07, s. 1 (1-8); O. Reg. 468/10, s. 1.
Well screen means a structural device which supports the well excavation, allows entrance of sub-surface fluids into a well or exit from a recharge well, and which acts as a filter to keep sediment from entering a well filtering device (e.g. manufactured perforated pipe) used as a sediment filter allowing entrance or exit of sub- surface fluids.
Well screen means a device, usually made of plastic or metal that is capable of preventing unconsolidated or poorly consoli- dated geologic material from entering the well. The size of the mate- rial which is prevented from entering the well is predetermined and
Well screen means a tubular, porous device attached at the end of a well casing and designed to allow water into the well and keep sediment out.