With transport definition
Examples of With transport in a sentence
With transport is 34 Гражданское и торговое право капиталистических государств.
With transport, growers have control over what market the product is transported to and are therefore potentially in a far stronger marketing position.
With transport, accommodation, local contacts, forged documents, the different mafias are steadily forming transcontinental alliances, as well as ensuring the collaboration of local networks, to develop this traffic.
With transport activity being a major contributor of both pollutants, this Strategy supports measures to achieve the objectives set out in the above two policy documents.
The salient features of the panels shall be as follows:• Sheet steel – 2mm thick for frames and equipment mounting plates 2.0mm thick for partitions.• Welded construction – With transport sections bolted together.
With transport, although we see an 18% reduction from the baseline, the larger reductions we saw in 2020 due to Covid are now being reversed, and this result is likely to worsen in our next report.
With transport decarbonisation expected to play a key role in New Zealand’s progress towards our 2050 goals, the Government is extending its investment into reducing transport emissions with the new Low Emission Transport Fund (“the Fund”, or “LETF”).This Fundbuilds on the now-complete Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, with an increase insize and scope.
With transport facilities, competitive LECs have some flexibility to replace a decrease in traffic.
It is estimated that the amount of fuel phases out would have resulted in CO2 emissions of 0.08 Mt per PJ, suggesting that coal is the dominating fuel type.• With transport, an average CO2 replacement of 70 % from the biofuels used can be estimated, correspond to a net saving of 0.03 Mt CO2 in 2010.
This effect is known as the data network effect, and is based on that a recommendation algorithm becomes more valuable the more data it accesses (Lehmann & Buxmann, 2009).